Spread.NET 18 Formula Reference
Formula Functions / Functions H to L / HISTOGRAMSPARKLINE
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    This function returns a data set used for representing a histogram sparkline.


    HISTOGRAMSPARKLINE(dataRange, [continuous, paintLabel, scale, barWidth, barColor, labelFontStyle, labelColor, edgeColor])


    This function has the following arguments:

    Argument Description

    Specifies the range of data sources. It supports a range.

    It supports calc array and calc reference.


    (Optional) Specifies the type of histogram sparkline.

    If set to true, the sparkline is a continuous histogram.

    If set to false, the sparkline is a discrete histogram.

    The default value is true.

    paintLabel (Optional) Specifies whether to paint the sparkline data label. The default value is false.

    (Optional) Specifies the bin width. This value is useful when histogram type is continuous. The default value is false.


    (Optional) Specifies the bar width. The default value is 1.

    Bar width = auto calc width * barWidth

    Value range is 0 < value ≤ 1.


    (Optional) Specifies the color of the bar. The default value is '5B9BD5'.

    Supports CSS color property.


    (Optional) Specifies the font style of the data label font. The default value is 9pt Calibri.

    Supports CSS font property. It supports font-style, font-weight, font-size, font-family.


    (Optional) Specifies the font color of data label font. The default is black (#00000).

    Supports CSS color string.


    (Optional) Specifies the color of the edge. The default value is silver (#C0C0C0).

    Supports CSS color property.

    Data Types

    Returns sparkline.


    sheet1.setFormula(2, 1, 'HISTOGRAMSPARKLINE(Sheet1!B4: B52, true, true, 20, 1, "#DC4463", "bold normal 10pt Calibri", "black")');,clflvmcbxzzzxxx