Formula Functions / Functions D to G / DISC

This function calculates the discount rate for a security.




This function has these arguments:

Argument Description
settle Settlement date for the security
mature Maturity date for the security
pricep Amount invested in the security
redeem Amount to be received at maturity
basis [Optional] Integer representing the basis for day count (Refer to Day Count Basis.)


Settle, mature, and basis are truncated to integers. If settle or mature is not a valid serial date number, a #VALUE! error is returned. If pricep or redeem is less than or equal to 0, a #NUM! error is returned. If basis is less than 0 or greater than 4, a #NUM! error is returned. If settle is greater than or equal to mature, a #NUM! error is returned.

Data Types

Accepts numeric and DateTime object data. Returns numeric data.




DISC("5/15/2004","9/1/2004",98.2,100,3) gives the result 0.0602752294

Version Available

This function is available in product version 1.0 or later.

See Also

RATE | INTRATE | PRICEDISC | Financial Functions