Formula Functions / Functions D to G / EVALUATE

This function is used to evaluate a text equation as an algebraic equation.




This function has the following argument:




 Refers to a string that represents a formula or expression to be evaluated. This formula can reference cells or ranges in the worksheet.


This function cannot be used directly in a cell, like SUM or AVERAGE functions. It must be used in the formula expressions applied to a custom-named range only. Therefore, if you use this function as "=EVALUATE(A1)", it throws an error. However, if you use the EVALUATE function as a custom name and then call the name from the target cell as "=EVALUATE("=A1+A2")", it returns the evaluated result of the cell range.

Data Types

Returns the evaluated results.


The following example code uses the "EVALUATE(A1:A2)" function to create the named range "test," which evaluates the expressions present in cells "B1" and "B2" and displays the evaluated result in cell "C1".

 // Adding EVALUATE Function
 IWorksheet TestActiveSheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet;
 fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().Names.Add("test", "EVALUATE(A1:A2)", null, 0, 1);
 TestActiveSheet.Cells["B1"].Value = "1+1";
 TestActiveSheet.Cells["B2"].Value = "2+3";
 TestActiveSheet.Cells["C1"].Formula2 = "test";
 fpSpread1.SaveExcel("Book_EvaluateFunction.xlsm", ExcelSaveFlags.MacroEnabledWorkbook);
The EVALUATE function requires VBA macros to be enabled to calculate as it is implemented as a (built-in) VBA extension function. A workbook that has the EVALUATE function applied must be saved in Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (.XLSM) format. Using the MacroEnabledWorkbook member of the ExcelSaveFlags enumeration, you can save the workbook to .XLSM format.

Version Available

This function is available in product version 17.0 or later.