- 4890: Fix: A specific key was not working correctly for a Korean keyboard in Internet Explorer
- 9002: Fix: Double-clicking a formula cell would cause the console to show an error in some cases
- 9008: Fix: Drag filling in tables did not work as expected
- 9185: Fix: A filter would be applied just after inserting a row
- 9190: Fix: Sorting was inconsistent with Excel
- 9474: Fix: Table binding did not work properly
- 9480: Fix: Shape fonts and positions where incorrect when exporting to PDF
- 10067: Fix: Cross-sheet formulas could not be set in some circumstances
- 10204: Fix: Outline display was inconsistent with Excel
- 10391: Fix: PivotTables would import with different dates and data
- 10655: Fix: Importing certain PivotTables would throw an exception
- 10726: Fix: Redundant columns would show up in the sheet after exporting to Excel and importing back into SpreadJS
- 10731: Fix: Painting shapes wouldn’t work when exporting to PDF
- 10736: Fix: There was a discrepancy between Date/Time formatted cells in SpreadJS and Excel
- 10818: Fix: Exporting a specific SSJSON from SpreadJS and importing into GCExcel would throw an exception
- 10894: Fix: Some lines would be lost in specific charts after importing in SpreadJS
- 10946: Fix: Some filtering results were inconsistent
- 10956: Fix: A specific SSJSON would throw an Exception when exporting to Excel
- 10982: Fix: Font sizes would change after serialization
- 11002: Fix: The browser would hang after importing an Excel file
- 11013: Fix: PivotTable tabular layout was inconsistent with Excel
- 11039: Fix: There was an incorrect type definition for the IBorder interface in the gc.spread.sheets.d.ts file
- 11045: Fix: When setting the font for a specific selection, only the first row of that selection is affected
- 11056: Fix: Value formatting in specific charts were inconsistent with Excel
- 11071: Designer Fix: The Designer component would throw an error when two cell styles from the “Data and Model” category were applied
- 11074: Fix: The Sunburst chart legend and data point colors would change when importing
- 11077: Fix: Formula results would be inconsistent when merging cells
- 11189: Fix: Cell formatting would not be imported from Excel correctly in some cases
SpreadJS v14 Hotfixes
The latest updates and information on the SpreadJS JavaScript Library.
Please tell us what you think in the SpreadJS forums.
- 9752: Fix: Chart logarithmic scale axis could not be removed
- 9882: Fix: A security breach in jszip was found
- 10128: Fix: Removing data series from a chart would change the color of data markers
- 10207: Fix: The table name would display incorrectly after inserting a table column
- 10220: Fix: An exception would be thrown if a blank chart was saved using toJSON
- 10236: Fix: Inserting a copied row would change the height of the remaining rows in the sheet
- 10613: Fix: Importing a specific Excel file with a PivotTable would throw an error
- 10649: Fix: The selected cell would be incorrect after pasting data from Excel
- 10669: Performance Fix: Workbook serialization needed performance optimizations
- 10675: Fix: Sunburst charts would import differently than Excel
- 10721: Fix: Keyboard keys could not be used to apply filters
- 10733: Fix: Vertical scrolling would affect horizontal scrolling if scrollByPixel was set to true
- 10742: Fix: Formulas would change after importing an Excel file
- 10746: Fix: Could not import an Excel file with a specific font correctly
- 10749: Fix: A specific calculation result was incorrect
- 10779: Designer Fix: An exception was thrown after clicking a specific cell
- 10782: Fix: A “x000D” character string was added to XML files when exporting to Excel
- 10845: Designer Fix: A specific field could not be added to the field list
- 10873: Fix: Conditional formatting would not shift properly when adding a column
- 10880: Fix: When using backspace to enter cell editing, the behavior of arrow keys was different from Excel
- 10943: Fix: Getting the SpreadSettingDialogTemplate would be undefined
- 10972: Fix: Some PivotTables would not sort properly
- 8924: Feature: Support for iOS15 and iPadOS15 has been added
- 9269: Fix: The value from a MATCH formula that references a PivotTable range was incorrect
- 9760: Fix: A custom formula would not show in edit mode
- 9927: Fix: The workbook would not display correctly after switching sheets
- 10232: Fix: The context menu would not work correctly after 14.2.0
- 10261: Designer Fix: The “Margun Gothic” font was missing in the designer font dialog
- 10360: Fix: Specific keyboard shortcuts were not working
- 10383: Fix: The merge cell operation was not synchronized between different instances of SpreadJS
- 10404: Fix: A specific formula result was different from Excel
- 10412: Fix: Specifically selected content could not be deleted when in edit mode
- 10446: Designer Fix: Scrollbars would appear in the ribbon after setting the v-show property
- 10463: Fix: Some conditional formats would display incorrectly after v14.2.0
- 10465: Fix: Cell text direction would change after importing an Excel file
- 10548: Fix: Vertical alignment would be different and line breaks would disappear when using toHTML
- 10560: Fix: Inserting cut cells was inconsistent with Excel
- 10574: Fix: Using litelement with SpreadJS would cause issues
- 10577: Fix: Some conditional formats would be undefined
- 10580: Designer Fix: The “General” number formatter was not properly translated in different designers
- 10585: Fix: Pasting images copied from Excel into SpreadJS running in Chrome would not work
- 10596: Fix: Clicking the workbook would cause the scrollbar to automatically move to the top
- 10597: Fix: A JSON file could not be exported to Excel
- 10602: Designer Fix: Clicking a cell would close the fields of a side panel automatically
- 10605: Fix: An exception would be thrown after double-clicking a cell
- 10623: Fix: An Uncaught TypeError would be thrown with Row Filters
- 10636: Fix: Clicking other cells outside of a cell’s edit box would throw an error
- 10638: Fix: Accessibility content has been enhanced
- 10642: Designer Fix: The cell state manager had undo/redo issues
- 10644: Designer Fix: There was an incorrect label in the “Replace” dialog in the CN version
- 10654: Fix: The status of sheet tabs was incorrect when swapping in code
- 8696: Fix: Dynamic arrays in an exported Excel fil would display a “#spill” error if DoNotRecalculateAfterLoad was set to true
- 8698: Fix: Dynamic array formulas would have an extra “@” after exporting to Excel
- 8841: Fix: A formula result changed after importing an SSJSON file
- 10070: Fix: An error would show in the console after setting repeatRowStart and repeatRowEnd
- 10097: Fix: Custom AutoFilters would cause SpreadJS to become unresponsive if the first option is left blank
- 10212: Designer Fix: The Auto sum icon was not aligned properly
- 10222: Fix: The web browser would hang after pressing Command + Z using a MacOS system
- 10239: Designer Fix: The width an height of buttons in the designer could not be changed
- 10247: Designer Fix: A type error would be thrown when using the designer in React and Typescript
- 10248: Fix: Cell merging and values would be cleared when an image was pasted from the clipboard
- 10249: Demo Fix: Translations were not provided for some commands in the custom localization demo
- 10251: Designer Fix: The ‘type=”button”’ attribute was missing from button tags
- 10253: Fix: Image like emojis were not supported in Sheet names
- 10254: Fix: Table themes did not work properly if rows were hidden/unhidden
- 10352: Fix: Columns of one workbook would change if data in another workbook was changed
- 10389: Fix: Conditional formatting was inconsistent with Excel
- 10416: Fix: Formulas were not working correctly
- 10434: Designer Fix: Dropdown options were not shown correctly in the format shape panel
- 10448: Fix: An error would be thrown in an exported Excel file if the Pivot source contains special characters
- 10451: Designer Fix: An error would be thrown in IE 11 if data is bound
- 10462: Designer Fix: Inserting a PivotTable would show a message saying there were invalid data references
- 8707: Fix: A specific formula range was incorrect after a cut and paste
- 9253: Chart Fix: Creating a combo chart with a secondary axis would not apply, custom error bars did not work, and the style wouldn’t show for stock charts
- 10095: Fix: A formatter was not applied when setting the cell’s value to 0
- 10123: Fix: Printing a sheet would throw an error
- 10131: Fix: Formulas were not imported correctly
- 10209: Fix: FormulaTextBox would not update correctly
- 10226: Designer Fix: The ribbon would display incorrectly if there is no license
- 9247: Fix: Chart text was partially covered
- 9282: Pivot Fix: A specific Excel file with a PivotTable was not correctly imported
- 9333: Fix: Cells are not indented when opening up an exported Excel file in WPS
- 9478: Chart Fix: Charts with external data links do not import correctly
- 9516: Designer Fix: Field positions when dragging fields from the template designer into the worksheet are not correct
- 9555: Fix: Conditional formatting has no effect after exporting Excel files and opening in WPS
- 9559: Chart Fix: XY Scatter chart X-axis would import as dates
- 9577: Pivot Fix: Column width are too small with using autoFitColumn
- 9614: Fix: Style of a cell would be overwritten if the pasted cell’s style was changed
- 9634: Chart Fix: A specific chart would not display the same as in Excel
- 9660: Fix: A typing error would happen in the Format Cells dialog
- 9663: Fix: Conditional formatting would not work in a specific circumstance
- 9676: Fix: The ActiveSheetChanged/ActiveSheetChanging events would not trigger when a sheet was deleted
- 9686: Fix: Columns would not autofit in the FIndAll dialog
- 9704: Fix: Rows could not be inserted or deleted if sheet protection was set with all options
- 9733: Performance Fix: Formulas and outlines would cause performance issues
- 9753: Fix: Navigating to a sheet via a hyperlink would not trigger the ActiveSheetChanged event
- 9468: Designer Fix: Fill color would not show inside the conditional format dialog
- 9479: Pivot Fix: Pivot Panel would not be active if there were two SpreadJS instances
- 9480: Fix: Shape fonts and positions would not show correctly when exported to PDF
- 9498: Fix: Setting rows to invisible would cause shapes to disappear
- 9506: Pivot Fix: Dragging fields from row to columns sections in the pivot panel would change the state to dirty
- 9518: Fix: Shapes couldn’t be moved correctly in an imported Excel sheet if the sheet was zoomed in
- 9534: Fix: A style warning is shown when using SpreadJS in Vue3
- 9535: Fix: Changing items in a pasted comboBox would affect other comboBoxes
- 9545: Fix: An exception is thrown when modifying a chart style
- 9552: Designer Fix: The icon for the data validation prompt was missing
- 3248: Fix: Inserting formulas was enabled even though the sheet was protected
- 8835: Fix: Quotes were not automatically added when adding text to a formula
- 9033: Performance Fix: Clicking a check box would take time to update the rest of the sheet
- 9159: Fix: The result of a formula was different from Excel
- 9237: Fix: PivotTable would update the data source incorrectly when incremental loading is enabled
- 9267: Fix: The GETPIVOTDATA formula would not return the correct value
- 9293: Fix: Cell formats would change after importing an Excel file
- 9299: Fix: An exported Excel file could not be opened
- 9304: Fix: Some gridlines would disappear
- 9316: Fix: Number validation behavior is inconsistent with Excel
- 9317: Fix: ExcelIO would throw an error in the Angular framework after V14.1.0
- 9357: Fix: A dialogue would not show if a user tried to drag/drop a cell into a merged range
- 9371: Designer Fix: The formula bar would not work in the Safari browser
- 9378: Fix: Opening one file after another would result in incorrect cell background colors
- 9389: Fix: Using “clear all” would not work after selecting all cells and setting the cell background color
- 9390: Fix: The result of the XIRR formula was inconsistent with Excel
- 5235: Fix: Specific charts would not display correctly
- 6722: Fix: DataLabels would not display in StackBlitz
- 7973: Fix: Setting focus to false inside of a button command would cause the button to lose hover style
- 8229: Fix: A specific chart would not import properly from an Excel file
- 8621: Fix: Specific charts would not import correctly
- 8667: Fix: Adding an input box to a context menu would result in an unresponsive input box
- 8684: Fix: The TableRowsChanged event would not fire correctly if a row was deleted via undo
- 8739: Designer Fix: Sparkline options would not be visible in the ribbon if the browser’s size was minimized
- 8748: Fix: Chart labels were missing when imported in the Vue version of SpreadJS
- 8910: Fix: Specific values in some cells were not fully copied
- 8951: Fix: Blob size would get bigger after repeatedly importing and exporting
- 9009: Fix: Certain cell formulas were pasted as values when pasted a second time
- 9021: Designer Fix: DataLabels would not show
- 9026: Fix: A specific validation result of the date validator was incorrect
- 9030: Fix: Importing multiple Excel files would prevent memory from being released
- 9035: Fix: Some cells could not be edited after importing a sheet
- 9045: Fix: DataLabels were not visible in specific frameworks
- 9107: Fix: Deleting a row would cause xlookup to return a #VALUE error
- 9108: Fix: A specific formula result was different from Excel
- 9109: Fix: An error would be thrown if a cell had a specific formatter string
- 9112: Designer Fix: Setting the background color with select all would cause the designer to hang
- 9135: Designer Fix: Cell borders would not set correctly
- 9141: Fix: Filter search textbox would not work properly
- 9149: Designer Fix: Vue version of designer could not set labels for charts
- 9156: Fix: Copy shortcuts would only copy screenshots, but not images
- 9172: Designer Fix: Ribbon Clear Content and contextMenu Clear Content did not do the same thing
- 9178: Fix: Specific custom formatting would show an error in the console
- 9181: Demo Fix: An error code was thrown in a specific Vue sample
- 9186: Fix: Drop down list items would not display fully
- 9189: Fix: A PivotPanel would not connect properly to a specific PivotTable
- 9216: Fix: Right-clicking a sheet name would cause the page the freeze after importing JSON
- 9289: Designer Fix: Updating a style to bold would not work after setting cell style to rich text
- 9290: Designer Fix: Gridlines would not change correctly when selecting theme colors
- 5917: Fix: Chart categories would not show the leading zero
- 8568: Fix: A specific chart would work in earlier versions but not in the latest version
- 8644: Fix: An exception would be thrown after removing a sheet
- 8731: Fix: A “#” character would be added to the end of a cell value when using the “0.0#%” format
- 8773: Fix: Printing a workbook would throw an exception
- 8917: Fix: Using FitPagesWide would cause a CheckBox icon to not show correctly after printing
- 8935: Designer Fix: Adding conditional formatting would not work in certain cases
- 8939: Fix: Exporting a file to Excel with a filter button would throw an exception
- 8944: Fix: The LINEST formula did not evaluate correctly
- 8974: Fix: AutoMerge and FrozenColumns would not work correctly with one another
- 8990: Fix: Hidden columns would not be displayed in charts when swapping the row and column
- 9001: Fix: TopRowChanged event was not fired on mobile devices when using the scrollByPixel feature
- 9015: Fix: An exception would be thrown when hiding a sheet and exporting to PDF
- 9017: Fix: A page would freeze after importing a workbook and clicking a specific sheet
- 9020: Designer Fix: Conditional formatting would be invalid if the PivotTable library was not imported
- 9027: Fix: Switching sheets after importing JSON would cause the page to freeze
- 9028: Demo Fix: Filtering would not work for some values in the Table Sheet demo
- 9034: Fix: Tables in some sheets would not export to Excel
- 9037: Fix: The page would freeze after hiding a specific row
- 9095: Designer Fix: The field list could not be translated
- 9114: Fix: Exporting to Excel would throw an error
- 7077: Fix: PivotTable filter fields were different from Excel
- 7729: Performance Fix: Issues with exporting a large data set
- 7935: Designer Fix: Strikethrough button in RichText dialog wouldn’t work properly
- 8480: Feature: Option added to export Excel to a simplified version
- 8550: Fix: The SpreadJS instance would scroll unexpectedly when a dropdown was opened
- 8599: Fix: The “registry function” parameter of defineGlobaclCustomFunction was not compatible with asynchronous functions
- 8604: Fix: Asynchronous functions would still evaluate after using suspendCalcService
- 8612: Fix: Default scrolling was incorrect in Firefox
- 8642: Fix: Percent values with specific formats where incorrectly changed when edit mode was entered on a cell
- 8677: Fix: Borders were not displayed when printing
- 8679: Fix: “<” was rendered as “<” when importing from Excel
- 8690: Fix: Browser would become unresponsive after calling the print function
- 8715: Fix: A percentage format would divide by 10 when leaving edit mode
- 8720: Fix: The “Add current selection to filter” option would not work properly in the filter dialog
- 8727: Feature: Changed the activation process for the desktop SpreadJS Designer
- 8728: Designer Fix: A row could not be deleted after sheet protection
- 8734: Fix: Hyperlink function worked differently from Excel
- 8758: Fix: Setting the horizontal alignment of row and column header would throw an exception
- 8760: Fix: Importing an SSJSON with a PivotTable would throw a cross-origin exception
- 8763: Fix: A cell format was changed after importing an Excel file
- 8765: Fix: A number would displayed incorrectly in the center of cell when setting numbersFitMode to 1
- 8771: Fix: The PDF module would throw an error in Chrome
- 8779: Fix: Percentage display would change after enter edit mode
- 8814: Fix: Duplicate areas would appear when printing
- 8830: Fix: An exported Excel file would need to be repaired after exporting
- 8839: Designer Fix: Increasing/decreasing decimal numbers would not work the same as Excel
- 8849: Fix: The result of a cell value rule was incorrect
- 8851: Fix: Culture would not be properly applied to a sheet
- 8854: Fix: The getCircularReference function would return incorrect results
- 8855: Fix: After binding rich text to a cell, cell automerge would incorrectly merge cells with different values
- 8862: Fix: Filters would not be correct after using a custom format on a column
- 8866: Fix: Asynchronous functions would not always return the right result
- 8871: Fix: Undoing changing the sheet name would not trigger the sheetNameChanged or sheetNameChanging events
- 8872: Designer Fix: Exporting a workbook with a PivotTable using a triangle icon to SSJSON would through an error
- 8887: Designer Fix: Some panels weren’t large enough to show specific text
- 8901: Fix: A dropdown list would show the same data in different cells
- 8915: Fix: The setAsyncResult would not work properly when used inside of a setTimeout function
- 8918: Fix: Adding a PivotTable would shown an invalid license error
- 8920: Fix: A dropdown could not be cleared
- 8948: Feature: Renaming a sheet with the same name as another sheet will now show a correct popup
- 6211: Fix: Exporting to JSON would add empty columns
- 7002: Fix: RangeBlockSparkline could not be set on the same sheet as the template
- 7021: Fix: Hover cell state would prevent a merged cell’s border from being fully displayed
- 7531: Fix: Inserting cells would not increase the filter range
- 7600: Fix: Deleting a table row using the context menu would not work when adjacent cells were selected
- 7892: Fix: Cell content would move down after drag-filling
- 7948: Fix: Formulas could not be edited properly in FireFox
- 7954: Fix: Adding a style from a dialog would make the selection change
- 7988: Fix: ButtonClicked event could not be triggered after a button was clicked
- 7994: Fix: Edit mode couldn’t be stopped when a DateTime picker was applied
- 7995: Fix: Clearing a chart axis title would not clear it when exported to JSON
- 8009: Fix: Column header was incorrectly exported to Excel when autoMerge was set in the column header
- 8018: Fix: SetHyperlink would fail after scrolling if autoMerge was set
- 8032: Performance Fix: Hiding rows would cause performance issues.
- 8047: Fix: Printing would result in an error
- 8057: Designer Fix: Filter and clear buttons would not show
- 8078: Fix: Cell contents were not displayed correctly after importing an Excel file
- 8095: Fix: A formatter would not work properly after importing an Excel file
- 8096: Fix: A formatter would not work the first time it is applied
- 8097: Designer Fix: Tab padding label options would be lost when reopening the Format Cell dialog
- 8143: Fix: Exporting an Excel file would throw an error
- 8160: Fix: Hovering over a button after scrolling would not show any response
- 4184: Fix: Conditional format covered certain text in a cell
- 5745: Fix: Importing an Excel file exported from SpreadJS would add blank rows
- 7242: Fix: Adding a sheet in the designer would set an incorrect sheet name
- 7452: Fix: Format Cell dialog dropdown would not show properly
- 7573: Designer Fix: The bottom border line of the Designer Component was not displayed
- 7592: Fix: Errors were thrown when adding columns dynamically
- 7598: Designer Fix: Designer Component would not show the new file dialog when files were imported
- 7702: Designer Fix: Custom style names would not be imported
- 7756: Fix: An extra “@” symbol would be added to some formulas after exporting to Excel
- 7767: Designer Fix: Custom style names were not added in the cell styles dropdown
- 7814: Fix: Width of ComboBox cell type drop down was less than the width of a merged cell
- 7825: Fix: Data filter result was incorrect
- 7829: Fix: Online designer couldn’t import Excel files on MacOS
- 7834: Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting a workbook
- 7841: Fix: DeleteRows would throw a TypeError
- 7842: Fix: An exported Excel file would need to be repaired when opened in Excel
- 7855: Fix: Drag and fill feature did not match Excel
- 7859: Fix: Table styles would change after exporting to Excel
- 7881: Fix: Rich text content would disappear and change after scrolling the sheet
- 7884: Fix: Conditional formatting would not apply if selecting multiple ranges
- 7889: Fix: Protection option was cleared when using the unprotect command in the ribbon
- 7898: Fix: Setting incrementalLoading to true would import an Excel file with a PivotTable incorrectly
- 7904: Designer Fix: Cell border options were not applied correctly
- 7913: Designer Fix: Applying font styles would cause the SpreadJS instance to become unresponsive
- 7914: Designer Fix: Setting sheet protection properties with code wouldn’t work
- 7920: Designer Fix: Excel import wouldn’t work on MacOS
- 7926: Fix: TopRowChanged arguments would not work correctly on touch devices
- 7928: Fix: PrintArea setting was not exported correctly when “-“ was used in the SheetName
- 7933: Fix: PivotTable filter panel would drift occasionally when setting the page layout
- 7943: Performance Fix: AddRows would take too much time
- 7963: Fix: An exported Excel file could not be opened with WPS
- 7969: Fix: RichText and Cell Tag information would be lost after pasting
- 7982: Fix: The browser would scroll down if pressing spacebar while inside of a combobox cell
- 8000: Fix: The save warning dialog would not display if the change to a sheet was made with the delete key
- 3934: Fix: Importing an Excel file would change some styles
- 4423: Fix: Imported a specific SSJSON would have a different result from the original Excel file
- 5889: Fix: Shape text was not importing
- 6712: Fix: Shape display was inconsistent with Excel
- 6836: Fix: Shape sizing button would behave strangely if the zoom factor was not 100%
- 6922: Fix: A specific formula would show a “#N/A” result when imported from Excel
- 6949: Fix: The outline column expand/collapse functionality did not work on mobile devices
- 7095: Designer Fix: Font styles were not being applied
- 7134: Fix: Comments would shrink when resizing the width of a column
- 7154: Fix: Rich Text Dialog would not show the correct font size
- 7207: Fix: Setting the width and heigh of a picture would not work correctly
- 7241: Fix: After destroying the SpreadJS instance, a tooltip would still display in the browser
- 7300: Fix: Comments would disappear after importing an Excel file
- 7444: Performance Fix: the pageInfo call would take too long to return
- 7578: Fix: Cell styles would change when resizing a column
- 7612: Fix: A table theme row color would not be correct if the table header row was hidden
- 7614: Fix: The axis data labels position could not be set correctly
- 7625: Fix: ExcelIO would throw an error when importing an Excel workbook
- 7641: Fix: Comment width would get larger when autosize was set to true
- 7660: Fix: The ValueChanged event would fire even when the value was not changed in the DateTimePicker
- 7665: Fix: The spanned cell comment position would be incorrect when the cell was partially hidden
- 7709: Performance Fix: Memory would not be released when calling the pageInfo function
- 7721: Fix: A warning would pop up after exporting an Excel file
- 7724: Fix: Chart data would not be updated after initializing a chart and loading the data
- 7741: Fix: An exported Excel file will not update the zoom correctly after setting the zoom in SpreadJS
- 7753: Fix: The DragFillBlockCompleted event would fire after canceling DragFillBlock
- 7773: Designer Fix: The table binding dialog would not open
- 5206: Fix: CMD+Z did not work in edit mode in MacOS
- 6624: Fix: The print preview and result were inconsistent in some cases
- 6801: Fix: Connector shapes were not correctly adding from top to bottom
- 6838: Designer Fix: Moving charts and changing chart types would prevent the preview from loading correctly
- 7202: Fix: A tooltip wouldn’t disappear when moving away from a hyperlink
- 7214: Fix: Using external formulas on one sheet would affect formulas on another sheet
- 7228: Fix: Cell text color was different from Excel
- 7238: Fix: Custom shape line information was not exported to SSJSON
- 7266: Designer Fix: Conditional Format dialog font text was not consistent with Excel
- 7310: Fix: Percent cell format would incorrectly display “00%” when the backspace key is used
- 7314: Fix: Password would save incorrectly when exported from SpreadJS
- 7315: Fix: Comment position was not consistent with Excel
- 7317: Fix: Exporting to SSJSON would not refresh the color on clicked hyperlinks
- 7340: Fix: SheetTags would get added twice with SSJSON
- 7344: Performance Fix: CSV Import/Export Suspend/Resume performance was enhanced
- 7346: Fix: A specific formula result was different from Excel
- 7347: Fix: Undoing deleting a column would cause the designer to get stuck
- 7370: Fix: Condition rules were lost after dragging and moving cells
- 7406: Fix: Setting the row could would remove undo history and cause values to be removed from the cell
- 7427: Fix: The calculation result of the ENCODEURL function was incorrect
- 7451: Fix: The calculation result of the SWITCH function was not the same as Excel
- 7458: Fix: A cell would display incorrectly after setting the cell format
- 7460: Fix: Importing a JSON file 6-8 times would cause the browser to crash
- 7470: Fix: Charts could not be added to SpreadJS in IE11
- 7495: Fix: The result of the SEARCH function was incorrect
- 7496: Demo Upgrade: Demos are now using Angular version 11
- 7507: Fix: The result of the SUMIF function was incorrect
- 7514: Fix: The password of a file would disappear after exporting to Excel
- 7518: Fix: The result of the WORKDAY.INTL function was incorrect
- 7546: Designer Fix: The designer component was not displayed correctly in the Safari browser on Macs
- 7547: Fix: CSV data that was imported was merged with existing data instead of clearing
- 7553: Fix: Engineering functions with negative number arguments returned results different from Excel
- 7554: Fix: Some values would display in SpreadJS differently from Excel
- 7560: Fix: Removing a sheet would throw an error
- 3933: Fix: Data Label angle in doughnut charts was different from Excel.
- 6108: Fix: Triggering formula calculation was inconsistent with Excel.
- 6211: Fix: Exporting to JSON would add empty columns.
- 6431: Feature: SpreadJS now supports Angular 11.
- 6563: Fix: A specific formula result was different from Excel.
- 6588: Fix: Importing a file into SpreadJS would cause issues with certain charts.
- 6647: Feature: SpreadJS now supports React 17.
- 6721: Fix: A specific formula result for TEXT was different from Excel.
- 6728: Performance Fix: Adding a chart would slow the scrolling in a page.
- 6757: Fix: Charts would disappear after importing an Excel file.
- 6806: Fix: Some function descriptions were incorrect.
- 6897: Fix: Importing pie charts would not retain text direction and vertical alignment.
- 6905: Fix: The width of a drop-down menu was shorter than the cell width.
- 6946: Fix: Column grouping was not working properly.
- 6979: Fix: Font and format settings are overwritten by Excel.
- 7046: Fix: The sum result of the status bar was incorrect.
- 7069: Fix: Chart display was incorrect after setting doNotRecalculateAfterLoad to true.
- 7076: Fix: The location of the PivotTable FilterDialog was different from Excel.
- 7078: Fix: Merged cells have different layout in a WPS application compared to Excel.
- 7080: Fix: Clicking the filter button would not always open the filter dialog.
- 7081: Fix: A cell’s tooltip wouldn’t always be visible.
- 7082: Fix: After clicking the formula enter button, the formula would disappear.
- 7099: Designer Fix: The cell border list would not display properly in the cell format dialog.
- 7105: Designer Fix: The “Change Chart Type” dialog would not display the sample chart.
- 7123: Fix: The hierarchy of a template would change after it is exported.
- 7126: Vue Fix: An error would be thrown after adding the SpreadJS component to a Vue application.
- 7129: Fix: A validator is lost after importing an Excel file.
- 7160: Fix: A formula is changed after importing an Excel file.
- 7163: Designer Fix: Setting an invalid display format would collapse the SpreadJS instance.
- 7199: Fix: The RangeChanged event would not get properly triggered.
- 7201: Designer Fix: Inserting a chart would make the import dialog hang.
- 7219: Fix: An import result was inconsistent with Excel.
- 7222: Designer Fix: The web browser page title would change after creating a new blank file.
- 7272: Fix: Formatting would not apply correctly after importing an Excel file.
- 6160: Fix: Conditional formatting results were different from Excel
- 6892: Fix: Sheet hyperlink caused the active sheet to not show
- 6901: Fix: When filtered data was deleted, it would delete all of the data in the column
- 6912: Fix: When text is set to 0 in a cell, a shape formula based on that cell would not show 0
- 6919: Designer Fix: Named style would be lost when cell styles were edited
- 6945: Fix: Cell state styles would appear when printing or exporting to PDF
- 6953: Fix: Named style would be lost when using getCell to edit style properties.
- 6954: Fix: Selected text would not display when selecting from the combo box in the TextFilter dialog
- 6998: Fix: Formulas would not calculate when importing an Excel file
- 7007: Fix: COUNTIFS formula result was different from Excel
- 7068: Designer Feature: Chinese Fonts have been added in the Font dropdown list
- 5527: Designer Fix: The Designer’s iconClass did not support font icons
- 6345: Fix: Scatter charts imported incorrectly from Excel files
- 6518: Fix: Chaining custom function calls would evaluate a function more times than it should
- 6642: Designer Fix: Using the “Numbers” shortcut to apply a format would not apply it correctly
- 6659: Fix: The getOriginalHeight function would not correctly get the height of an image
- 6660: Designer Fix: A PDF exported using the designer could not open in Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017
- 6670: Designer Fix: Buttons would not fill the ribbon if there were no icons
- 6714: Fix: Context menus would not work after right-clicking in the gray area of the workbook.
- 6715: Designer Fix: The invalid formula dialog would need to be clicked twice in order to close it
- 6740: Designer Fix: The Table section of the ribbon bar had a duplicate “Total Row” button
- 6748: Designer Fix: Couldn’t show the SpreadJS instance in IE 11
- 6751: Fix: The ComboBox drop-down menu would shift position and the text wouldn’t show
- 6756: Fix: The start column offset of a picture would not export correct to JSON
- 6761: Fix: The Filter Dialog OK/Cancell button would display outside of the Filter Dialog
- 6770: Fix: The AsyncFunction wouldn’t always recalculate
- 6791: Designer Fix: The conditional formatting dialog would not always show the correct data
- 6893: Fix: An image’s size would change when printing or exporting to PDF
- 6909: Fix: SpreadJS’ height would grow incorrectly when resizing the browser window
- 6911: Designer Fix: The Angular compiler would throw an “Invariant violated: No format-path or format” error
- 6250: Performance Fix: ComboBox CellType took a long time to load when it contained a large number of items
- 6468: Fix: Merged cell content would not display correctly
- 6469: Fix: Removing a series from a chart would remove axis numbers
- 6506: Designer Fix: Column header formulas would result in #REF! errors
- 6517: Performance Fix: Collapsing a row outline would take too much time to update the sheet
- 6518: Fix: Custom Functions would evaluate more than 10 times unexpectedly
- 6547: Fix: goalSeek returned type ‘void’ and not ‘boolean’
- 6548: Fix: Arrow line shape did not fire the shapeChanged event
- 6565: Designer Fix: SpreadJS Designer didn’t size properly when using multiple instances
- 6574: Fix: Inserting cut/copied cells would add a lot of extra data to the exported JSON file
- 6576: Designer Fix: Entering an invalid license would lock the SpreadJS Designer permanently
- 6580: Fix: Shift + Tab would move focus to the workbook when editing a ComboBox cell
- 6581: Fix: Table column references would not work when the column name had spaces
- 6587: Fix: Editing any cells would not work after calling the reset method
- 6598: Fix: Exporting Excel files with merged styles would result in errors
- 6623: Fix: Data was not loading correctly when a table was being scrolled over
- 6632: Fix: DataValidation would throw an error when the first character in the list-item of a ListValidator was a single quotation
- 6736: Designer Fix: Number format is invalid
- 4523: Fix: Keyboard would show up in Android devices when using setActiveCell or setFocus
- 5733: Fix: A textbox in Excel was lost after importing
- 5789: Fix: Shapes disappeared after the outline was collapsed and expanded multiple times
- 5928: Designer Performance Fix: Inserting a chart was too slow
- 6124: Fix: Empty cells with background colors could not be copied and pasted to other sheets
- 6220: Fix: The background color of a plot area in a chart was not correctly imported from Excel
- 6221: Fix: On-demand calculation doesn’t fire the RangeChanged event
- 6231: Fix: Copied cells are pasted incorrectly
- 6234: Designer Fix: The Copied Cell option did not appear in the context menu when the selected row was a table row
- 6245: Designer Fix: A picture’s alternate text was not hidden when switching sheets or opening a new file
- 6248: Fix: Excel files exported from SpreadJS did not pass open XML SDK validation
- 6294: Fix: ComboBox display would change when column widths changed
- 6318: Fix: The STDEV function would return a result different from Excel
- 6322: Designer Fix: After loading the designer, the window would quickly show a blank screen
- 6392: Designer Fix: Classes named “container” within the designer would conflict with other 3rd party libraries
- 6397: Designer Fix: The subtotal functionality worked differently than it did in Excel
- 6436: Performance Fix: Resizing the SpreadJS instance would cause columns and rows to lag behind in rendering
- 6505: Designer Fix: Changing the column headers with the dialog would set those headers on the incorrect sheet
- 6508: Designer Fix: Borders were lost after setting a cell format
- 6509: Designer Fix: The summary row option would appear repeatedly in the table design tab
- 6527: Designer Fix: Could not split merged column headers in the header dialog
- 6528: Designer Fix: Setting inner margins did not work correctly
- 3951: Fix: Importing a SSJSON file in Internet Explorer was significantly slower than importing the same file in Chrome
- 6204: Fix: Designer: Strikethrough on a row couldn’t be turned off
- 6214: Fix: Demo: PureJS version of Excel Import/Export demo couldn’t export Excel files without throwing an error
- 6225: Fix: Formula result in SpreadJS was different from Excel
- 6233: Fix: Imported Excel file showed incorrect formula results and formatters
- 6246: Fix: When drop-down styles were set on a column and then copied/pasted to the same cell, a duplicate drop-down button was pasted in the cell
- 6303: Fix: Percentage character would not show in edit mode when the format was “%0.00”
- 6309: Fix: Adding the “gc-spread-sheets-designer” tag in Vue caused an exception to be thrown