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Styling ActiveReportsJS Components with the Theme Editor

With ActiveReportsJS, you can use the theme editor tool to change the styling and colors seen on your report viewer component. To do so, use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the following page on our site: /activereportsjs/theme-editor/
  2. Choose whether to use the light or dark theme with the editing tool, as well as the colors, border styles, and font settings.
  3. Once you're happy with your selection, you can click the Preview button to display what the theme will look like in your app.
  4. Click the download button and unzip the files to the @grapecity/activereports/style folder within the node_modules of your project. 

Congratulations -- You have successfully added new themes and styles to your report viewer component. If you have any questions about this process, please open a ticket with our support team. 

Christian Wirt