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Setting the Default Row Height in Angular

Setting Default Row Height


The default size for row cells may not meet some user's requirements or the size keeps reverting to a size that they don't want. There is a property that can be adjusted to meet those needs.

Steps to Complete:

1. Initial the grid

2. Set the defaultSize property

Getting Started:

Initialize the grid

Start by initializing your grid by using the initialized event. Within this event you can set the default properties for your grid when it initially loads.

<!-- app.component.html -->
<wj-flex-grid #grid [itemsSource]="data" (initialized)="initGrid(grid)"> </wj-flex-grid>
// app.component.ts
initGrid(grid: wjGrid.FlexGrid) {
    // Initialization of the grid


Set the defaultSize property

You can set the default size for all the rows using defaultSize property of the RowCollection class.

grid.rows.defaultSize = 40

Then set this property within the initialize event:

initGrid(grid: wjGrid.FlexGrid) {
    grid.rows.defaultSize = 40; // set the default size for grid rows

Additionally, you can continue to change the row height at a later stage with the defaultSize property whenever needed.

Hope this article is helpful and if you would like to see this example application code, please click here.

Happy coding!

Andrew Peterson

Technical Engagement Engineer