First step is to capture an image of the control on the form with optional zoom setting.
// Method to convert control into an image
static Image GetControlImage(Control ctl, float zoom)
// get image
Rectangle rc = ctl.ClientRectangle;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(rc.Width, rc.Height);
ctl.DrawToBitmap(bmp, rc);
// apply zoom
if (zoom != 1)
Size newSize = Size.Round(new SizeF(bmp.Width * zoom, bmp.Height * zoom));
bmp = new Bitmap(bmp, newSize);
// return image
return bmp;
Second step is to draw the image into a C1PrintDocument component.
//PrintDocument for C1PrintPreviewControl
C1PrintDocument doc = new C1PrintDocument();
doc.DefaultUnit = UnitTypeEnum.Inch;
doc.PageLayout.PageSettings.TopMargin = 0.5;
doc.PageLayout.PageSettings.LeftMargin = 0.5;
doc.PageLayout.PageSettings.RightMargin = 0.5;
doc.PageLayout.PageSettings.BottomMargin = 0.5;
//Renders C1FlexGrid control image to document
RenderImage ri = new RenderImage();
ri.Image = GetControlImage(c1FlexGrid1, 1);
ri.Width = doc.PageLayout.PageSettings.Width.Value-1;