By default, Wijmo Input controls do not get highlighted when they come into focus. We can change this by adding some CSS to the control's class.
Steps to Complete:
1. Add a class to the control
2. Assign border style to the CSS class on focus-within
Getting Started
Add a class to the control
First, you'll need to add a class to the control so that we can append CSS to it when it goes into focus
<wj-auto-complete class="autocmplt" :itemsSource="data"></wj-auto-complete>
Assign border style to the CSS class on focus-within
Next, CSS will need to be added to place a border around the control when it gains focus.
.autocmplt:focus-within {
border: 1px solid blue;
Focus-within is used because the textbox that you can enter information into is another element within the actual control. Focus-within will apply the CSS when an element within the class receives focus.
Joel Parks