C1.WPF.C1Datagrid how to bind Project ResourceDictionary as Grid Theme

Posted by: christoph.schattka on 9 September 2024, 8:29 am EST

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    Posted 9 September 2024, 8:29 am EST


    I’m using an old componentone C1Datagrid for WPF Version 3.0.20093.100.

    Actually I’m using the C1.Themes as Layout for the Datagrid. As example:

    <c1grid:C1DataGrid Theme=“{DynamicResource {c1grid:C1ThemeKey ThemeName=MediaPlayer, TypeInTargetAssembly={x:Type c1grid:C1DataGrid}}}”…

    Now i want to use a customized Theme for the Datagrid. I added the CS_MediaPlayer.xaml to my Project (see picture) and also to the Application.xaml.

    Hope these steps are correct and the last should be to bind the CS_MediaPlayer.xaml to the GridTheme. But how? <c1grid:C1DataGrid Theme=“{DynamicResource CS_mediaPlayer.xaml}” is not working.

    Your help will be appriciated.

    Many Thanks and Regard


  • Posted 10 September 2024, 7:42 am EST

    Hi Chris,

    3.0.20093.100 is a very old version of the C1DataGrid control and it is out-of-support now. We could not find “Theme” property in the latest version of our legacy control “C1DataGrid”. Therefore, we were unable to implement your use-case scenario on our end.

    We kindly request you provide a stripped-down version of the sample application, that shows the issue on your end. This will help us understand the issue on your end and proceed further.

    We highly appreciate your cooperation.

    Thanks & Regards,


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