Form losing focus when adding linemarker to flexchart

Posted by: detlev.patz on 22 May 2024, 7:21 pm EST

  • Posted 22 May 2024, 7:21 pm EST


    we are using flexchart 2023v3(631) Winforms Edition with Visual Studio 2019 and C#.

    I noticed that everytime i add a new linemarker to a flexchart the form, in which the flexchart is, loses focus.

    You can see that even in your sample application “FlexChart Explorer” (.NET Framework 4.8). Scroll down to Features/Chart Elements/Line Markers and click on “Custom Content” or “Custom Drawing”. After clicking on it the main window/form is not in focus (=deactivated). You need to click in it, to activate it again.

    I know I could use form.Activate to activate the form afterwards but that produces unwanted flickering each time I add a line marker.

    Is there a way to add linemarkers without losing focus ?

    best regards


  • Posted 23 May 2024, 8:27 pm EST

    Hello Detlev,

    We were able to observe the behavior. We have forwarded it to the developers to get their insights. Rest assured, we’ll update you once we get the necessary information.

    [Internal Tracking ID: C1WIN-32198]



  • Posted 27 May 2024, 12:11 am EST

    Hello Detlev,

    You can use FlexChart’s BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods as a workaround to reduce the flicker further. Please refer to the attached sample for the same. (see

    The flickering on our end is not very noticeable. Is the behavior on your end the same or you face noticable flickering? Also, please let us know if the flickering reduces after using BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods on your end.



  • Posted 28 May 2024, 6:52 pm EST

    Hello Uttkarsh,

    adding BeginUpdate/EndUpdate seems to have no effect for me.

    In your sample application for me it sometimes flickers, sometimes doesnt.

    It might depend on the time the system or windows needs to redraw the window/border.

    But usually it is noticeable on my system.

    Best regards


  • Posted 29 May 2024, 9:48 pm EST

    Hello Detlev,

    We apologize for any inconvenience. The provided workaround was the only available method to reduce flickering. Since this workaround isn’t effective for you, we ask for your patience while our developers work on a permanent fix. The ETA for the fix is the 2024v1 hotfix-1.

    [Internal Bug ID: C1WIN-32204]

    Thank you for your patience and cooperation.



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