Posted 2 September 2024, 9:19 am EST - Updated 2 September 2024, 10:36 am EST
Hi C1,
(sorry before posting another question before answering your recent replies ;-))
Playing with Dashboard and Chart, I have the impression that the type “Line” does not play well with “Stacking.Stacked”.
See attached sample:
It displays data from a list of objects.
Problem 1:
the colors do not match: with type = “Bar”, “Col1” and “Col2” have values (which is correct):
With type = “Line”, “Col1” and “Col3” seem to have values according to the colors, but it should be “Col2” (orange):
Problem 2:
the tooltip displays “0” for all values of the green line (which should actually be orange, see Problem 1).
Best regards