C1DashboardLayout.SaveLayout: invisible panels

Posted by: wknauf on 30 August 2024, 8:28 am EST

  • Posted 30 August 2024, 8:28 am EST - Updated 30 August 2024, 8:34 am EST

    Hi C1,

    experimenting with the dashboard control: “SaveLayout” / “LoadLayout” does not contain the state of the hidden items. Is this intentional or a missing feature?

    Additional question: I thought about moving the setting for the visible items to an extra dialog and disable the option to hide items - this would have the benefit that we would not have to create invisible items. I can hide the toolbox button where items can be hidden:

    this.c1DashboardLayout1.Options.HeaderAppearance = C1.Win.Layout.HeaderAppearance.MaximizeButton;

    But I found not way to disable the context menu item:

    Setting the “C1DashboardLayout.Options.ContextMenuStrip” (https://developer.mescius.com/componentone/docs/win/online-dashboardlayout/creatingcustomcontextmenu.html) just modified the dropdown item of the tool icon button.

    Attached is my dashboard code sample - it is quite a mess ;-). Take a look at “FormSplit” - I decided to use the “Split” layout type.


    Best regards


  • Posted 2 September 2024, 2:45 am EST - Updated 4 September 2024, 8:12 am EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    We have forwarded your concerns about the hidden state of items to the development team for further insights. Rest assured, we’ll update you once we have any information. [Internal Tracking ID: C1WIN-32884]

    For context menu, you can toggle ContextMenuStrip of C1.Win.SplitContainer.C1SplitContainer added to the C1DashboardLayout as follows:

    this.c1DashboardLayout1.Controls[0].ContextMenuStrip!.Opening += ContextMenuStrip_Opening;
    private void ContextMenuStrip_Opening(object? sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
        var strip = (sender as ContextMenuStrip)!;
        e.Cancel = !strip.Items[0].Available || !strip.Items[1].Available;

    Please refer to the attached modified sample for implementation. (see DashBoardTest_Mod.zip)



  • Posted 2 September 2024, 2:35 pm EST

    Thanks, this is easy!

    Still interested in the feedback about saving the visibility state to the saved layout.

    By the way: code blocks work only if they don’t contain any empty lines ;-). This is quite annoying in this forum.

    Best regards


  • Posted 3 September 2024, 6:14 am EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    By the way: code blocks work only if they don’t contain any empty lines ;-). This is quite annoying in this forum.

    We have forwarded your concerns to the concerned team. Rest assured, we’ll update you once we have more information.



  • Posted 10 September 2024, 12:56 am EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    As per the team,

    → If you are adding a single line of code block, then you can add it like the following:


    → If multiline of code, then:


    In my comment, I added my multiline code block with incorrcet format:






    I have corrected it.



  • Posted 10 September 2024, 4:58 am EST

    Yes, multiline comments work only if no blank line is between the “code” blocks. I often see posts from other users where this happens - and in my own comments, I often have to fix it after submitting it ;-).

    So, would be great of the developers could improve the comment parsing code to also accept empty lines.

    Best regards


  • Posted 11 September 2024, 12:02 am EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    Apologies for not explaining enough.

    As per the team, the empty line are supported in multiline code blocks. It’s just the format should be like the following:

    first line
    third line
    fourth line
    sixth line


    [/code] should be on the first and last lines, respectively. There should not be any text on the first and line lines except these.

    Let me know if you have any other doubts.



  • Posted 11 September 2024, 12:07 am EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    For C1WIN-32884 issue, the developers considered it a bug and the ETA for the fix is 2024v2 hotfix 1 or 2. Rest assured, we’ll update you once the issue is fixed.

    [Bug tracking ID: C1WIN-32924]



  • Posted 11 September 2024, 2:20 am EST - Updated 11 September 2024, 2:21 am EST

    I just tested with a longer code block, and it works perfectly now. Strange, I thought that empty lines caused issues. Maybe the developers fixed something without telling ;-).

    Best regards


  • Posted 15 January 2025, 4:09 am EST

    About your reply “For C1WIN-32884 issue, … the ETA for the fix is 2024v2 hotfix 1 or 2”: this is not changed in .693? At least it still does not work in the sample.

    Best regards


  • Posted 15 January 2025, 7:00 am EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    The issue has been fixed internally. So it will be available in the next hotfix release, i.e., 2024 v2 Hotfix 2.



  • Posted 20 March 2025, 7:26 am EST - Updated 20 March 2025, 7:27 am EST

    I can confirm that with .700 hidden panels are restored properly when saving/loading the layout.

    About my initial question on how to prevent hiding of panels: were there changes or is the workaround to hide two items in the context menu still the only solution?

    Best regards


  • Posted 21 March 2025, 2:58 am EST

    Hello Wolfgang,

    About my initial question on how to prevent hiding of panels: were there changes or is the workaround to hide two items in the context menu still the only solution?

    Yes, it is the proper way to hide the context menu.

    Please provide more details about your requirement and how you’d like to configure the context menu, so we can investigate further.



  • Posted 21 March 2025, 6:30 am EST - Updated 21 March 2025, 6:35 am EST

    I can use this line of code to hide the three-dot-button which provides the option to hide panels:

    this.c1DashboardLayout.Options.HeaderAppearance &= ~HeaderAppearance.ToolIconButton;

    But the right click context menu where I can hide panels is still visible, and it requires another workaround to disable the “hide” functionality here.

    The context menu items that correspond to the “HeaderAppearance.ToolIconButton” could be synced with the enum.

    Is this reasonable/possible? Or do you think that header and context menu should be configured separately? In the latter case, a property “CanHidePanels” would be easiest.

    Best regards


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