Posted 6 June 2024, 5:49 am EST
A recent update in the ‘updateCell’ (internal method) seems to be causing this issue. We have forwarded this issue to the dev team for further investigation with internal tracking ID - WJM-34036. We will update you as soon as we have an update from the dev team.
For now, to avoid this issue you can use the following workaround -
import * as wjGrid from '@grapecity/wijmo.grid';
let oldFun = wjGrid.CellFactory.prototype.updateCell
wjGrid.CellFactory.prototype.updateCell = function (e, t, i, o, n, r) {, e, t, i, o, n, r);
var l = e.grid, a = e.rows, u = e.columns, c = a[t], d = u[i], v = e.cellType, E = wjGrid.CellType;
var P = l._getBindingColumn(e, t, d), Q = (0 != r && P) ? e.getCellData(t, i, !1) : null;
if ((v == E.Cell || v == E.RowHeader) && l._getShowErrors()) {
var Re = "";
!1 === r && P && (Q = e.getCellData(t, i, !1));
var Ee = a[t].dataItem;
Re = P.binding && Ee && P.getIsRequired(c) && (null == Q || "" === Q) ? l._edtHdl._getRequiredMsg() : l._getError(e, t, i, !1);
l._edtHdl._setCellError(o, Re)
Please refer to the following sample for the same -