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loadedRows handler not called and problem with getting rows from grid object

Posted by: steen.l.knudsen on 27 October 2022, 4:19 am EST

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    Posted 27 October 2022, 4:19 am EST - Updated 27 October 2022, 5:21 am EST

    I have 2 problems with the code I have attached :

    • loadedRows handler not called
    • problem with getting rows from grid object. (I have to use var gridControl = theGrid[“$WJ-CTRL”]; to get the grid object with rows property)


    [zip filename="JsFlexGridWeb1.zip"]disc-file-497e064d-b98c-4e73-9ed6-42032c5650bb.zip[/zip][/code]
  • Posted 28 October 2022, 8:00 am EST


    1. We are able to replicate your issue on our end, this is an unexpected behavior for the ‘loadingRows’ and ‘loadedRows’ event so, this issue has been forwarded to the dev team for further investigation with internal tracking id WJM-25181. Meanwhile, to avoid this issue, you can define the ‘loadedRows’ and ‘loadingRows’ event handler before initializing the ‘itemSource’ property of the grid.

    Please find attached a sample for the same https://stackblitz.com/edit/js-oa8qey?file=index.js

    1. According to the code you have attached, this issue was occuring because ‘theGrid’(in init method) is private variable to ‘init’ method and it can not be accessed outside the init method. As the ‘debugconsole’ method is defined outside the init function, it can not access ‘theGrid’ variable. However, in your .html file, the host element for the flexGrid have ‘id = “theGrid”’, thats why when you use ‘theGrid’ variable in ‘debugconsole’ method it represents the flexGrid ‘hostElement’ not the flexGrid’s object and hence the issue occurs.


  • Posted 27 December 2024, 6:36 am EST

    Hi Steen,

    Regarding the first issue you mentioned, the engineering team has confirmed that this behavior is by design. When you assign a value to the itemsSource property of the grid, it binds the data to the grid and creates rows based on that data. At this point, if any loadingRows or loadedRows event handlers were already attached, they will be triggered.

    However, if these events are attached after the data is already bound to the rows, they will not trigger for the initial load but will work for subsequent updates to the data rows, such as during sorting, filtering, etc.

    Please follow the same approach as we suggested in our previous comment to avoid this situation.


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