How to debug Flexgrid Filter issues?

Posted by: abhijeet.dey on 8 January 2025, 9:26 am EST

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    Posted 8 January 2025, 9:26 am EST

    Hi Team,

    I have a flexgrid with filter implementation (in Angular)

    When I open my angular component (with the flexgrid) from browser URL, the filters work fine.

    But if I am on another Angular component and I use the Angular router.navigate() function to open the component with flexgrid, then the filters don’t work.

    There are no console errors in the browser, and I am able to see the filterDefinition property set in onFilterChanged events of both scenarios.

    My question to you is, is there any better way to debug if the filter got applied or if there was any internal error in flexgrid source code which is somehow not logged in console?

  • Posted 9 January 2025, 2:36 am EST

    Hi Abhijeet,

    As per our understanding, you want to apply some filters on the flexgrid initially when the grid is loaded, and you are facing the issue that when your grid component is loaded using ‘router.navigate’ method, then the filters doesn’t work properly and did not get applied on the grid when grid loads. We tried to replicate this issue on our end, tried to create the same scenarios as you described, but the issue is not replicable on our end.

    You can use an approach to debug, like checking if the filterDefinition is set in the filter or not, if not set, then it might be possible that you are not using the right events to set the definition or due to some other cause definition is not applied on the filter, and if the filterDefinition is getting set properly and still filter is not applied, then there might be some internal error, you can check the grid.collectionView.filter property, we can not comment on the actual nature of the issue until we are not able to replicate it on our end.

    Could you please share a small sample in which the issue can be replicated so that we can investigate it on our end and assist you accordingly?

    Please refer to the attached sample in which we tried to replicate the issue. You can also modify the attached sample to replicate the issue and share it with us. In case, if there is something we missed, please let us know.


  • Posted 9 January 2025, 8:33 am EST

    Please find more details in the following case opened by me: CAS-54809-P8C7W9

  • Posted 10 January 2025, 8:44 am EST

    Hi Abhijeet,

    Thank you for sharing the information, we have addressed the issue on the new case you created.


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