Flex Grid rows using defaultSize vs the row.height we are setting

Posted by: tina.kujawa on 6 August 2024, 3:27 pm EST

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    Posted 6 August 2024, 3:27 pm EST

    We recently upgraded to wijmo: 5.20241.19. Since that upgrade our flex grids that display multiple lines of data in the row - are truncated to only display one row of data. After doing some analysis - the grid.rows.defaultSize is being used for all the row heights. We manually set the row.height of each row after we load the data. We can see it flash - where the row.height is correct but then it gets set back to the size set in the rows.defaultSize. How do we get it to use the row.height value we are setting and stop resetting it to the rows.defaultSize? We want each row to be dynamic and different heights based on the data. We are using angular. Can you give us guidance on why it would use the defaultSize vs the row.height for the flex grid?

  • Posted 7 August 2024, 7:03 am EST

    Hi Tina,

    It seems you are using ‘wjFlexGridCellTemplate’ in flexgrid in your angular project, as this type of issue is observed in this scenario. There might have been some internal updates in the latest version due to which this behavior is observed. You can try setting the ‘autoSizeRows’ property in the templates to false to avoid this issue. Please refer to the following code snippet -

    <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [autoSizeRows]="false" [cellType]="'TopLeft'" *ngIf="customTopLeft">

    Here’s the API link for the ‘autoSizeRows’ property - https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo/api/classes/wijmo_angular2_grid.wjflexgridcelltemplate.html#autosizerows

    Please refer to the following sample for the same - https://jscodemine.mescius.io/share/WOJkY3t76UiWl8tNtm0l_w/

    In case, if your issue is still not resolved, please modify the above sample to replicate the issue and share it with us, so that we can have a better understanding of the issue and assist you accordingly.


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