Add , remove rows and collect in (WIJMO Flex Grid ([b]Pure Js[/b] Mode))

Posted by: m.omar on 13 May 2018, 3:08 am EST

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    Posted 13 May 2018, 3:08 am EST

    Salam Alykom,

    Could you please provide me with in (WIJMO Flex Grid (Pure Js Mode)):

    1- A simple and clean way to add and remove rows from from external button.

    2- A simple and clean way to collect and tracking the data changes from the grid in propose to save it into DB, (added,updated, delete) rows and cells.


  • Posted 14 May 2018, 11:10 pm EST


    You can add Number of Rows at the top using insert method of RowCollection class. Please refer to following code snippet for adding the new Rows at the top:

    var row= new wijmo.grid.Row();

    For deleting rows please use this code.

    deleteRow() {
            let order = 5,
                c = {};    ;
            for (var j = 0; j< this.flex.rows.length - 1; j++) {
                if (this.flex.rows[j] == order) {
                     c = this.flex.rows[j];

    Please refer to the Change Tracking Sample Section of the Collection View Sample to know about howto detect changes

  • Posted 15 May 2018, 3:05 am EST

    Hi Omar,

    In above code snippet, the code error is in for loop condition and item passed to delete, it should be like as follows:

    function removeAllRows(id){
    	var grid= wijmo.grid.FlexGrid.getControl("#"+id);
     [b] var rowCount=grid.rows.length;[/b]
      for(var i=0;i<[b]rowCount[/b];i++){     

    Here is why, this should be like above:

    wijmoGridObject.rows.length gets reduce by one on removing item from array.

    wijmoGridObject.rows[j] The index gets changed once the item is removed from the array.

    Hope it clears!


  • Posted 15 May 2018, 3:07 am EST

    What is the wrong in the following codes:

     function deleteAllRows(wijmoGridObject)
            if (wijmoGridObject == null)
            for (var i = 0; i< wijmoGridObject.rows.length - 1; i++) {


    function deleteAllRows(wijmoGridObject)
           if (wijmoGridObject == null)
            wijmoGridview = wijmoGridObject.collectionView;
           for (var i = 0; i< wijmoGridview.items.length - 1; i++){

    My target is to impalement a function to delete all rows, but when i used any of these 2 functions , the result is delete some of rows not all rows >>for example if i have grid with 5 rows and call any of these 2 functions it delete only 2 or 3 rows only !!

  • Posted 15 May 2018, 3:10 am EST

    Thanks alot.

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