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How to dynamically create gridview through code

Posted by: malishin on 1 November 2021, 3:15 am EST

  • Posted 1 November 2021, 3:15 am EST

    I want to create c1gridview and bind to sqldatasource, In designe time window, it’s easy .

    But in my project, these need to be dynamically generated in the code(Includes edit button column and template columns)

    Could you provide a little sample

  • Posted 2 November 2021, 12:06 am EST


    As we understand, you would like to add the C1GridView using the C# code behind code using the SqlDataSource with the Edit button to edit the records and Template Columns to add the template for specified columns.

    Please confirm and share a screenshot of your requirement. Also, please let us know the reason for using the code behind for creating the C1GridView. So that we may assist you accordingly.


    Manish Gupta

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