Value display wrong data numeric

Posted by: hieu.van.nguyen on 13 September 2023, 2:22 pm EST

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    Posted 13 September 2023, 2:22 pm EST - Updated 13 September 2023, 2:28 pm EST

    Hi Support team,

    I’m facing an issue is the value display in the cell not correct with the value I has input. Can you help me check it.

    I have attached the file, you can import it to check.

    Many thanks.

    Best Regards,


  • Posted 13 September 2023, 9:25 pm EST

    Hi Hieu,

    Thanks for sharing the excel file with us. We were able to replicate the issue at our end. It seems like an issue with the SpreadJS.

    I have escalated this issue to the dev team for further investigation. The internal tracking id for the same is: SJS-20179. I will let you know when there is an update from the dev team.



  • Posted 17 September 2023, 11:44 pm EST - Updated 17 September 2023, 11:49 pm EST


    The devs have informed that it seems like the Excel file is not generated by the Microsoft Excel and may be by some third-party application due to which the issue arises.

    If you examine the xml of the excel file that you shared, you will find that the formatter is stranger. Refer to the following image:

    Microsoft Excel has powerful fault-tolerant ability that the SpreadJS and therefore, Microsoft Excel happens to show the Excel file correctly.

    You could simply open the excel file that you shared earlier in the Microsoft Excel, do nothing but save the file and then open the file in SpreadJS, you will find all things will be correct.

    You will find attached the excel file that is saved thought the Microsoft Excel.



  • Posted 17 September 2023, 11:45 pm EST

  • Posted 18 September 2023, 2:41 pm EST

    Hi Ankit,

    Thanks for your answer and the dev team. I have applied your suggested solution and it worked.

    Maybe the issue is from the third-party app while generating the Excel file.



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