Paste formula from Excel

Posted by: mhill on 7 September 2023, 1:55 am EST

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    Posted 7 September 2023, 1:55 am EST


    I am using SpreadJS 14.

    A user has asked if they can copy from excel and paste into SpreadJS and preserve the excel formula? Currently pasting a calculated cell from excel simply pastes the actual value (although formatting is preserved) Is there a way around this in Spreadjs 14? Is this a feature likely to come in the future?

    I noticed also that the “Paste Special” options of the Designer-Component (toolbar thing) which allow for pasting formula, values, formatting etc. only works when pasting from within SpreadJS - not when pasting from Excel. Again, is that facility likely to be extended to pasting from Excel in a future version?



  • Posted 7 September 2023, 9:32 pm EST


    We apologize, but SpreadJS does not support this feature because of its limited clipboard functionality. Web applications cannot directly access clipboard data, and SpreadJS relies on the browser’s clipboard data provided for parsing for external paste.

    You can observe a similar behavior in Google Sheets, where pasting includes formulas, but this functionality is enabled only when you install the Google Docs Extension browser, which internally accesses the clipboard.



  • Posted 11 September 2023, 7:06 pm EST

    OK. Thanks. That’s what I expected.

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