Custom format work different from Excel

Posted by: kim.dok on 25 October 2023, 7:02 pm EST

  • Posted 25 October 2023, 7:02 pm EST - Updated 25 October 2023, 7:13 pm EST

    Hi, we want to implement Custom Format to allow our users to have more formatting capabilities, same as Excel.

    There are some formats that have different behavior in Spread and Excel.

    For example, enter the value 123123 to cell A1, then open Format Cells… → Number tab → Custom category.

    Set the format to: “ssssss”@“sssss” and click ok

    The value is displayed as: ssssss123123sssss (as you can see in attached img1)

    If you’ll do the same in Excel the value will display as: 123123 (as you can see in attached img2)

    Another example is when entering the format 00@ in Excel this format is no allowed but in Spread it is and the result is 123123@

    can we have some guidance on how to achieve the required outcome?

  • Posted 26 October 2023, 5:19 pm EST - Updated 26 October 2023, 5:24 pm EST


    We are not able to replicate the issue on our end in case of format string “ssssss”@“sssss”. In MS Excel, applying format string formats the value to “ssssss123123sssss” which is the same as SpreadJS. Please refer to the attached gif(demo.gif) and note that MS Excel doesn’t update cell immediately. You need to enter in edit mode of cell and then exit to see the changes.

    In the case of the format string “00@”, we are able to replicate the issue on our end. Hence, we have escalated it to the dev team for further investigation. The internal tracking ID for the issue is: SJS-20908. Please be rest assured that we will keep you updated on the progress of the issue.

    I noticed that you have also reported the same issue on the ticket CAS-44616-M5D0R9. We have also replied to that ticket as well. Please note that it is always recommended to not post duplicate queries.


  • Posted 5 November 2023, 2:26 am EST

    Hi, is there any update about format string “00@” on the issue case: SJS-20908?

  • Posted 6 November 2023, 12:13 am EST


    The issue is being investigated by the concerned team. We have asked the concerned team for an update on the issue on your behalf. We will inform you as soon as there is an update about the issue.


  • Posted 28 January 2024, 3:04 am EST

    Hi, is there any new update about format string “00@” on the issue case: SJS-20908?

  • Posted 28 January 2024, 7:27 pm EST


    The issue is still with the development team. Since there is little information about the invalid format spec of MS Excel. Hence, the team is still researching/exploring to match the behavior of SpreadJS with MS Excel for invalid formats.


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