IDocumentPaginatorSource & WPF PrintView Problems

Posted by: sacri_ on 4 November 2020, 1:33 am EST

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    Posted 4 November 2020, 1:33 am EST - Updated 29 September 2022, 3:07 pm EST


    1. I ALREADY asked reseller supports about this problems. They are not helpful because there are NO WPF developers among them.
    2. I surely have Spread.NET 13 licence ofc. and reported some bugs after using Spread.NET 13 to reseller supports. So i’m doubting it could be a bug too.

    === Purpose ===

    I just want to make Preview Mode on my GUI.

    I use MVVM to build my project now.

    This pic shows most ideal result which i want to get.

    === Problems ===

    1. IDocumentPaginatorSource does not generate Landscape page properly.

    2. PrintPreview() does not support print button.

    === What i’ve done ===

    1. Extract IDocumentPaginatorSource from GcSpreadsheet, and Binding with “DocumentViewer” from Windows.UIElement or “PrintPreviewControl” from Spread.NET

    Result : No Effects. Besides, another problem has shown.

    When Previewing Sheets over 2, Pages in Preview get cracked when scrollbar moves

    1. Use PrintPreview()

      Result : Does not support Print button.

    2. Mount Winform Library and use PrintPreview method in Winform Library.

      Result : it works like a charm but it spends a lot of time. (about 10 sec)

    4.Conversion to FixedDocument via XPSWriter

    Result : Most ideal way, It does not occur additional problem but it still has Problem 1.

    === My Thought ===

    Since i cannot access properties which are relevant with Paginator class, I think it could be problem with IDocumentPaginatorSource. Furthermore, “PrintInfo” is not helpful because it only affects to save sheets as PDF.

    If you have some ideas to solve these. Please let me know. I cannot wait until Spread.NET is updated because my project has deadline. Since supports from reseller are not helpful at all so my only way to solve this is counting on you. :((((

    I’m desperately looking forward to your answers.



  • Posted 4 November 2020, 1:54 am EST

    I wish i could use “PrintPreivew()” as UIControl. At least i can make printing button independently. :S

    If you want a sample about these problems, just let me know.

  • Posted 5 November 2020, 8:49 pm EST

    I attach a project file which is relevant with bugs that i told.

    you can fined 2 excel files in bin → Debug → ExcelRef

    One of them has 3 sheets and the other has a single landscape sheet.

    and you can try bugs that i told by changing this line in code behind :

    Sheet.OpenExcel(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + “\ExcelRef\CheckSheet2.xlsx”);

  • Posted 6 November 2020, 1:37 am EST


    I have replied to the support one case:

    Please reply to Supportone case only to avoid confusion.



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