Index Out Of Range error from recent update

Posted by: brian on 10 July 2024, 10:57 am EST

  • Posted 10 July 2024, 10:57 am EST

    What was once working, now throws a “Index was outside the bounds of the array” for certain fonts.

    I’m sure these fonts aren’t perfect, because users upload the fonts. But it was working, and now it throws an error.

    If I change the font, it appears to work properly, but this is the stack trace when the error is thrown:

       at GrapeCity.Documents.Q.amp.y()
       at GrapeCity.Documents.Q.amp.i(Int32 a)
       at GrapeCity.Documents.Q.amp.e(b a, Int32 b, Boolean c, Boolean d)
       at a, Int32 b, amp c)
       at a, amp b, FontTables c, Single d, Single e, Single f, Int32 g)
       at a, Single b, TextLine c, Single d, Single e, RectangleF f, List`1 g, List`1 h)
       at GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.BitmapRenderer.DrawTextLayout(TextLayout layout, Single x, Single y)
       at GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.GcBitmapGraphics.InternalDrawTextLayout(TextLayout layout, PointF location)
       at GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.GcGraphics.DrawTextLayout(TextLayout layout, PointF location)

  • Posted 10 July 2024, 8:06 pm EST


    We are unable to replicate this issue at our end. Could you please provide more information?

    1. Version of DsImaging library.
    2. In which operation you are getting this error? While opening Image, saving image, etc.
    3. Provide the Fonts which causing this error.
    4. Provide a stripped .Net sample replicating this issue. So we can investigate this issue and assist you better.



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