Rdlx report header cannot grow while controls can grow

Posted by: vanvoamz on 3 December 2024, 2:45 pm EST

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    Posted 3 December 2024, 2:45 pm EST

    Context: ActiveReportsNet version 18 with JSViewer aspnetcore

    In the RDLX report, it seems like the report header height is fixed and cannot be automatically adjusted when controls like textboxes grow. This makes the report header content cut out and doesn’t render any other content after the height has reached.

    Also, while content on the first page takes up half of the page, the second page has no content. Somehow the report body’s height still takes up the same space on the second page and squeezes the report footer content.

    Is there any way I can control the heights? Or any settings that I can make the report Header, Body and Footer adjust accordingly?

  • Posted 4 December 2024, 3:06 am EST


    The header and footer sections are static in RDLX reports. If you want to show dynamic header and footer, you can use a BandedList control and use it’s header/footer.

    You may also refer to the attached sample for reference.

    We hope this helps!

    Attachment: BandedListSample.zip

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