AR v10.3.9175.0 - Error during PagesCollection.Clear()

Posted by: eingle on 10 December 2018, 5:51 pm EST

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    Posted 10 December 2018, 5:51 pm EST

    I’m running a report that ran without errors in AR v10.1.6726. Since upgrading our project to 10.3.9175, this report now throws an error. I’ve copied the stack trace below.

    Any input on this would be greatly appreciated.


    {“Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”}

    at GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.Section.PagesCollection.Clear()

    at #sxA.#vqb.#aEb()

    at #sxA.#vqb.#amk(Boolean wasExecutedBefore)

    at #sxA.#vqb.#4YA(Object parentReport, Single left, Single top, Single right, Single bottom)

    at GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section.#yBb(SectionReport parentReport, #tqb rData)

    at #sxA.#mqb.#NDb(Int32 pieceIndex)

    at #sxA.#mqb.#LDb()

    at #sxA.#mqb.#SDb(Section section, Int32 insPos)

    at #sxA.#vqb.#vEb()

    at #sxA.#vqb.#bZA(Page newPage, Single left, Single top, Single right, Single bottom, UInt32 flags, UInt32& status)

    at GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section.#yBb(SectionReport parentReport, #tqb rData)

    at #sxA.#mqb.#NDb(Int32 pieceIndex)

    at #sxA.#mqb.#LDb()

    at #sxA.#mqb.#SDb(Section section, Int32 insPos)

    at #sxA.#vqb.#vEb()

    at #sxA.#vqb.#bZA(Page newPage, Single left, Single top, Single right, Single bottom, UInt32 flags, UInt32& status)

    at GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReport.#4yb()

    at GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReport.Run(Boolean syncDocument)

  • Posted 11 December 2018, 2:56 am EST


    Could you please elaborate your issue and steps to reproduce the issue at my end. Also, if possible could you please share the stripped down sample with us.


  • Posted 12 December 2018, 9:48 am EST

    I’ve got a sample project ready to go, but it’s too big to attach to this post. Is there an email address I could send it to instead? Thanks!

  • Posted 12 December 2018, 10:47 am EST


    You can upload the sample at the following Dropbox link:


  • Posted 12 December 2018, 3:11 pm EST

    All right, I’ve uploaded the project. Thanks.

  • Posted 13 December 2018, 1:59 am EST


    Sorry, I have mistakenly marked this as the answer.

    Could you please comment the following dispose line in the following method

     Private Sub PrintPropertiesSubreport()
            AssessmentAndTaxEstimate_SK_SubReport_TaxableAssessment.InPreviewMode = True
            TaxableAssessment_SubReport.Report = AssessmentAndTaxEstimate_SK_SubReport_TaxableAssessment
           // AssessmentAndTaxEstimate_SK_SubReport_TaxableAssessment.Document.Dispose()
            AssessmentAndTaxEstimate_SK_SubReport_PropertyTaxes.InPreviewMode = True
            PorpertyTaxes_SubReport.Report = AssessmentAndTaxEstimate_SK_SubReport_PropertyTaxes
        //    AssessmentAndTaxEstimate_SK_SubReport_PropertyTaxes.Document.Dispose()
        End Sub

    Is there any major/minor effect in your application after commenting the above lines.


  • Posted 13 December 2018, 10:29 am EST

    Yes, that solves the problem. Thank you!

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