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Wijmo Supports Angular 18

Wijmo Supports Angular 18

The MESCIUS team is happy to announce that Wijmo supports Angular 18! Wijmo has supported Angular since version 1 (AngularJS). We are committed to providing Angular developers with a powerful toolset for building enterprise-grade applications, which is why you can start using Angular 18 applications with Wijmo today!

Wijmo offers a large set of fast, flexible Angular components, each with rich declarative markup. Our top-rated Angular DataGrid includes features like sorting, grouping, searching, Excel-like filtering, DataMaps, custom CellTemplates, sparklines, rich editing, Excel/PDF export, validation, DetailRows, and more.

Note: Wijmo is not compatible with server-side rendering in Angular

Get Started with Wijmo in Angular 18

To get started, you will need to install the Angular v18.0.0 release.

You can then install Wijmo's angular components:

npm install @mescius/wijmo.angular2.all

Ready to See What the Latest Release Has to Offer? Download Wijmo Today!


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