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SpreadJS v16 Hotfixes

The latest updates and information on the SpreadJS JavaScript Library.

Please tell us what you think in the SpreadJS forums.

  • 16894: Designer Fix: A pop-up menu would not show in certain circumstances with sheet protection and data validation
  • 18712: Fix: The applyCalculatedFields comment would not be triggered in certain circumstances
  • 19949: ExcelIO Fix: ShrinkToFit would be enabled after importing specific text
  • 20011: Language Release: JP language update
  • 20092: Language Release: KO language update
  • 20209: Calculation Fix: A dynamic array would not clear the previous results
  • 20269: Calculation Fix: A conditional format would not work correctly if a row was inserted at the top of the formula's range
  • 20325: Fix: The percentage sign could not be removed in certain circumstances
  • 20499: Fix: Entering a negative number with a comma would show a #VALUE! error
  • 20505: Fix: The group expand/collapse buttons would not display correctly after deleting a row
  • 20529: Calculation Fix: The VALUE function would not work correctly with the space numberGroupSeparator in fr_FR culture
  • 20591: Fix: The margin of a cell button could not be set beyond 15
  • 20750: TableSheet Performance Fix: The serialization took longer than previous versions
  • 20771: ExcelIO Fix: The "Include Unusued Styles" flag would cause unexpected behavior
  • 20821: Calculation Fix: The HYPERLINK formula did not work correctly
  • 20825: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting to Excel would fail and throw an exception in certain circumstances
  • 20828: Fix: SheetList was positioned at the top of the page on mobile devices
  • 20831: Fix: Hidden row information was pasted when copying across workbooks
  • 20843: Fix: Customizing the filter would cause the filter type to display incorrectly
  • 20859: Fix: Calculated fields were able to be added with duplicate name
  • 20870: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting a specific Excel file would cause Excel to prompt to repair the file when opened
  • 20888: Fix: Cell styles did not display consistently
  • 20890: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting to Excel had incorrect scaling in some circumstances
  • 20892: ExcelIO Fix: A specific file could not be imported
  • 20909: Fix: The SpreadJS instance would crash when switching the active sheet in some circumstances
  • 20995: Fix: The dialog box could not be closed when editing rich text on a checkbox cell
  • 21003: ExcelIO Fix: Importing a specific file would cause a format error
  • 21028: Fix: The placeholder could not be cancelled if the inputTitle was not set during data validation
  • 21052: Calculation Fix: Cloning a sheet throws an error if the calcService was supsended
  • 21054: ExcelIO Fix: Date characters were not exported as OADate format for Excel

  • 18350: ExcelIO Fix: Opening a specific Excel file and using recalcAll(true) would cause an exception to be thrown
  • 18820: ExcelIO Fix: Opening a specific Excel file would throw an error
  • 20045: ExcelIO Fix: Opening an Excel file saved from SpreadJS would cause errors in Excel
  • 20146: Calculation Fix: Using Spread.calculate() after inserting a row would needt to be executed twice in order for asyncFormula to work correctly
  • 20388: Keyboard Shortcuts Fix: The keyboard shortcuts project was missing functionality
  • 20590: Calculation Fix: SUMIFS formula had a different result from Excel
  • 20609: Fix: The validator highlight style for "dogEar" would not show correctly
  • 20610: Calculation Fix: VLOOKUP formula had a different reslt from Excel
  • 20614: Table Fix: inserting columns and setting column formulas in a table would throw an error
  • 20627: TableSheet Performance Fix: A TableSheet would be slow when opening a filter dialog
  • 20628: ExcelIO Fix: Vertical text would become horizontal once exported
  • 20700: Fix: Columns were not filtered properly
  • 20735: Design Fix: The Designer could not open a specific JSON file
  • 20736: Table Fix: The TableResized event was not fired when the table was resized due to a drag-fill action
  • 20772: Designer Fix: The print preview in the Designer was inconsistent with the browser's pop-up print preview
  • 20833: ExcelIO Fix: Data could not be loaded normally after an Excel file was imported

  • 19564: Fix: The formula text box would exit when using cross sheet references
  • 19842: Designer Fix: An issue would happen when trying to create a combination diagram
  • 19932: Fix: The number of blanks rows inserted by SpreadJS when inserting copied cells was inconsistent with Excel
  • 19953: Fix: A floating picture was incorrectly deleted after removing the row it was located in
  • 20101: Designer Fix: Pressing the Esc key while in the Protection Alert dialog would cause the Function button in the formula bar to be enabled
  • 20200: ExcelIO Fix: A scrolling issue would happen when importing a specific Excel file
  • 20220: Designer Fix: There was an issue with the display of the "Invalid Formula" pop-up caused by batch character replacement
  • 20271: Fix: Unmerging after merging and setting borders on cells would cause abnormal borders to show
  • 20280: Fix: Freezing a trailing column and clicking on the horizontal scrollbar would cause a blank gap to show
  • 20292: Fix: A group result would display incorrectly if the value of the group field was changed
  • 20298: ExcelIO Fix: Changing the value of a FormControl would not work correctly after importing an Excel file
  • 20363: Fix: A cell wouldn't display the value if it had a default value in binding mode
  • 20370: Fix: Using data binding would cause some cell styles to change
  • 20411: ExcelIO Fix: Opening a specific Excel file would cause an error to happen
  • 20412: Designer Fix: Setting a combobox with the editable check unchecked would still allow it to be edited through the formula bar
  • 20427: Fix: The click event would become invalid when a tooltip was displayed
  • 20466: ExcelIO Fix: An exported Excel file would lose its document properties
  • 20504: ExcelIO Fix: Images would not show after importing a specific Excel file
  • 20528: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting a SJS file would fail in certain circumstances

  • 8943: Fix: Moving the scrollbar would cause the border to disappear after freezing the first row
  • 9106: Fix: A border would not be displayed correctly when text overflows a cell
  • 18754: Designer Fix: The Find and Replace dialog would disappear when clicking on the Enter button
  • 19609: Fix: Cell indentation distance would be inconsistent after scaling
  • 19621: Fix: Upper and left borders would disappear if text was aligned at the top in certain circumstances
  • 19802: Chart Fix: Modifying chart legend entries would cause series names to change to cell indexes
  • 19807: Excel IO Fix: A file with charts would have errors when exporting from SpreadJS
  • 19837: Designer Fix: SpreadJS would become unresponsive when opening the File > Print menu
  • 19884: Accessibility Fix: An issue was happening with the VoiceOver Screen Reader on MacOS
  • 19886: Excel IO Fix: The scatter plot in an imported file would be in an incorrect position
  • 19887: Excel IO Fix: Importing an Excel file would cause charts to display as blank in certain circumstances
  • 19888: Excel IO Fix: A combination chart would display incorrectly after importing
  • 19934: Fix: A sheet would become blank after deleting another sheet
  • 19966: Excel IO Fix: The FirstPageNumber property would not export correctly
  • 19970: TableSheet Fix: A formula result referencing a TableSheet cell would not update correctly when that cell was changed
  • 20020: Fix: The Find and Replace feature doesn't work when binding data for the sheet
  • 20022: Fix: The height of the last row would overflow the sheet when scrolling to the bottom of the worksheet using the down arrow key
  • 20023: Fix: The height of the last row would overflow the sheet when selecting a floating object and scrolling to the bottom of the worksheet using the down arrow key
  • 20040: Fix: Modifying the position of the name box would cause issues with other cells
  • 20044: Excel IO Fix: Line breaks would be lost after importing an Excel file into SpreadJS
  • 20096: Chart Fix: A chart's horizontal axis would display incorrectly
  • 20150: Fix: Setting a default value as a function would incorrectly affect the bound datasource
  • 20154: Calculation Fix: Formula results were inconsistent using suspend and resume calculation
  • 20175: Designer Fix: The barCodeSetting would not show correctly when the PivotTable add-on was not enabled
  • 20202: Export Fix: Exporting a PDF would cause issues in some circumstances
  • 20236: Chart Fix: A chart's horizontal axis would display incorrectly
  • 20251: Excel IO Fix: Links would be broken after importing in certain circumstances
  • 20273: TableSheet Fix: New rows could not be added with an empty array if the TableSheet was in hierarchical data mode

  • 19478: Performance Fix: Pixel scrolling had poor performance after importing a JSON file
  • 19479: Formula Fix: Formulas could not be autocompleted with a shortcut key
  • 19592: Formula Fix: RANK.AVG did not calculate correctly
  • 19606: Mobile Fix: Phone keyboard would incorrectly show when using a copy command
  • 19620: Table Fix: InvalidOperation was not fired when inserting a table column causes another table’s cells to move
  • 19649: Excel I/O Fix: Diagonal border lines were missing when an Excel file was imported and then exported
  • 19651: Protection Fix: The formatting brush was not available after protecting a form with cell formatting allowed
  • 19680: Performance Fix: Conditional formatting formula evaluation would cause performance issues
  • 19734: Fix: The value of a cell would be displayed incorrectly if the Style.hAlign property is set to centerContinuous
  • 19744: Fix: Column cutting and inserting cut cells would throw an error
  • 19773: Table Fix: Setting a table data source would fail in certain circumstances
  • 19774: Table Fix: A “#REF!” error would show when re-binding table columns
  • 19782: Calculation Fix: Certain calculation results were inconsistent with Excel
  • 19789: Fix: Editing issues would arise when merged cells exceed the visible range
  • 19794: Chinese Language Release for v16 Service Pack 2
  • 19825: Excel I/O Fix: Custom functions in an imported Excel file would be incorrectly prefixed with “_xll”
  • 19831: Designer Fix: The Designer Component could not import a specific file
  • 19838: Excel I/O Fix: Importing a specific Excel file would throw an error
  • 19841: Shape Fix: A camera shape would display incorrectly when data was deleted
  • 19844: Excel I/O Fix: A chart would not display after importing an Excel file
  • 19885: Calculation Fix: A subtotal formula would not update when expanding/shrinking RowOutlines
  • 19905: Fix: When pixel scrolling is set on mobile devices, the row height button would disappear if the row height was set to exceed the height of one screen
  • 19933: PivotTable Fix: The increase decimals button would cause issues in a PivotTable cell
  • 19951: Table Fix: After expandBoundRows is set and filled with data, a blank row would appear in the table
  • 20008: Conditional Formatting Fix: Conditional formatting was optimized

  • 19756: ExcelIO Fix: A specific Excel file would hang when loading into SpreadJS

  • 17724: Framework Support: SpreadJS now supports Angular 16
  • 18132: Language Support: V16 Service Pack 1 Japanese Language support was added
  • 18649: Designer Fix: Setting some text to traditional Chinese would be invalid
  • 18658: Fix: The Custom Header Text Format would not work for double underline
  • 18677: Fix: Deleting a table row would cause formula loss
  • 18728: Fix: Filter items would not be cleared properly
  • 18735: Fix: Table header text would not show when a table was cut and pasted directly below another table
  • 18753: Fix: The color of number format wouldn’t work correctly after setting a conditional formatting
  • 18793 and 18821: PDF Export Fix: Exporting a PDF in some circumstances would throw an error message about the file being written abnormally
  • 18810: Fix: Inserting a column was inconsistent with Excel
  • 18842: Fix: Sorting was not performed correctly in a table

  • 18118: Fix: Deleting and shifting cells up would cause issues with styles
  • 18131: Language Release: Korean Language version was released
  • 18330: Designer Fix: The FileLoading event could not be properly listened to
  • 18458: Performance Fix: Adding a custom name would take too long in some circumstances
  • 18460: Designer Fix: The conditional formatting target range was incorrect when the PivotTable layout was tabular in the Designer
  • 18530: Accessibility Fix: The screen reader would not read checkboxes correctly
  • 18531: Accessibility Fix: The screen reader would not read button cells correctly
  • 18532: Accessibility Fix: The screen reader would not read links correctly
  • 18543: Fix: Clearing a filter result would result in data loss in some circumstances
  • 18544: Fix: A filter result was different from Excel
  • 18549: Fix: The state rule conflicts with the cell type and causes an error
  • 18556: PivotTable Fix: Importing and exporting a PivotTable causes the autoStart and autoEnd properties to not work
  • 18557: ExcelIO Fix: A template imported into SpreadJS was inconsistent with Excel
  • 18627: Designer Fix: The rangeblock formatting would have issues when set in the designer

  • 10219: ExcelIO Fix: Importing and exporting would throw a style exception
  • 13171: PDF Fix: PDF Exporting would cause an issue
  • 14266: ExcelIO Fix: An Excel file would no import correctly
  • 17087: PivotTable Fix: Gridlines would disappear after exporting a PivotTable
  • 17421: Designer Fix: Clicking a designer toolbar button would cause a cell to exit edit mode
  • 17810: Feature: Names can now be hidden in the Name Manager
  • 17899: Chart Fix: A chart was inconsistent with Excel
  • 18144: Fix: The isFileModified state would not change properly
  • 18177: Chart Fix: A Pie chart in the preview dialog was incorrect
  • 18239: Chart Fix: Axis information was incorrect
  • 18254: ExcelIO Fix: Opening a SpreadJS exported file would throw an error in Excel
  • 18280: Calculation Fix: The result of a certain calculation was different from Excel
  • 18303: Mac Fix: Undoing does not trigger the status change for the Designer toolbar
  • 18306: Calculation Fix: Undoing would result in incorrect formula calculation
  • 18307: Fix: Clicking the dropdown in a data source would throw an exception
  • 18317: Mobile Fix: Zooming in would cause the screen to display incorrectly
  • 18336: Fix: Line spacing gets larger when font size is different in rich text cells
  • 18425: ExcelIO Fix: An error would be thrown when a workbook was exported to Excel
  • 18429: ExcelIO Fix: Calling the import method on a workbook instance would throw an error
  • 18488: TableSheet Performance Fix: The performance of TableSheet was hindered

  • 15103: Fix: Cells were incorrectly shifted when pasting an entire row and performing an undo operation
  • 16428: Fix: A formula range would not be correct after inserting a new row
  • 17290: Designer Fix: Conditional formatting could not be set from the ribbon in certain circumstances
  • 17378: Import Fix: Cross workbook formulas would change after loading an Excel file
  • 17407: Export Fix: Table formulas in an exported .SJS file was not correct
  • 17448: Fix: The font size for a rich text cell would change when italics were turned on
  • 17540: PDF Export Fix: Exporting a PDF would throw a “File Read and Write Exception”
  • 17541: Fix: The formula tooltip would overlap with the cell editor in certain circumstances
  • 17568: Calculation Fix: The formula text for a target column would be incorrect when copying and pasting a column
  • 17592: Import Fix: An exception would be thrown when opening a specific .SJS file
  • 17599: Fix: The table filter state was incorrect when opening a specific file
  • 17603: Designer Fix: The location of a dialog would shift outside the right side of the screen
  • 17610: Fix: A data label would display incorrectly
  • 17612: Import Fix: An Excel file with a PivotTable would not import correctly
  • 17624: Fix: JSON properties did not match between 15.2.5 and 16.0.6
  • 17630: Calculation Fix: The calculation of Average/Count/Sum formulas would be incorrect after scrolling
  • 17647: Export Fix: An exported Excel file would have issues when loading in Excel
  • 17684: Export Fix: Setting autoGenerateColumns to false would throw errors when exporting to Excel
  • 17720: Designer Fix: A camera shape would become blank when the Designer is moved between screens
  • 17777: Export Fix: The wireframe value of a chart was changed when saving to .SJS
  • 17779: Export Fix: The value of a chart property was incorrect after saving to .SJS

  • 16331: Designer Fix: Table binding was slow when adding table column fields
  • 16549: Fix: SpreadJS goes blank when a checkbox is checked
  • 16751: Calculation Fix: Selecting a chart cause formulas to calculate continuously
  • 17044: Fix: Autofit did not factor in the height of checkboxlist or radiobuttonlist
  • 17081: Fix: Invalid circles were drawn on column cells when column did not exist
  • 17090: Fix: Custom mouse cursor did not work for Charts, Shapes, or Slicers
  • 17208: Filter Fix: Scrolling and dragging of the filter dialog would not work
  • 17306: Designer Fix: The shape size popup would not stay open
  • 17325: Fix: Clipboard content would get cleared incorrectly when exiting edit mode
  • 17351: Designer Fix: Certain ribbon commands were not hidden
  • 17353: Designer Fix: A dialog would not be destroyed after calling designer.destroy()
  • 17387: Export Fix: An Excel file would be corrupt after exporting from SpreadJS
  • 17397: Fix: Right-clicking a cell and setting it to merged did not work correctly
  • 17398: Calculation Fix: There was a formula calculation error
  • 17406: ExcelIO Fix: Importing and then exporting an Excel file would change the underline style for hyperlinks
  • 17411: Fix: Theme colors were incorrectly imported as RGB colors in pattern fill
  • 17413: Import Fix: Conditional formatting changes when importing an Excel or SJS file
  • 17439: Designer Fix: Format display is different from Excel
  • 17441: Style Fix: The style for a cell was not correct
  • 17461: Designer Fix: Clicking a chart would cause the designer to get stuck
  • 17464: Fix: Styles were incorrectly filled
  • 17468: Designer Fix: RichText would past only values
  • 17479: Fix: The invalid formula dialog was prompted after clicking the data validation drop-down item
  • 17487: Fix: allowUserEditFormula can’t be set to allow only pasting values
  • 17500: Fix: When moving a floating object on a scrolling sheet, the destination cell would sometimes be different
  • 17519: Fix: Calculated columns would not be shown in the columns section of a data source table
  • 17567: Designer Fix: Sheet rows and columns count was limited17581: Fix: Formatting a cell with a code would apply to all cells in the sheet

  • 16633: Printing Fix: A column was lost when printing
  • 16677: Calculation Fix: Calculation would lag behind by one cell change
  • 16750: Printing Fix: The margins do not match up with Excel
  • 16752: Fix: A cell would incorrectly display 1e-7 after inputting 0.0000001
  • 16758: PDF Fix: Text was missing when exporting to PDF
  • 16904: TableSheet Fix: There was an issue with the data loading process for TableSheet
  • 16919: Designer Fix: The header font dialog could not add a new font
  • 16924: Calculation Fix: When a formula is being edited, the current sheet name appears
  • 16937: Designer Fix: The context menu would show extra separator lines at the bottom
  • 16940: ExcelIO Fix: External references are lost when loading a specific Excel file and exporting it
  • 16966: Performance Fix: A performance issue would occur when using Large Data in a SpreadJS Table
  • 16988: Calculation Fix: Formula results were different from Excel
  • 16989: ExcelIO Fix: An error would be thrown when importing an XLSX file containing SmartArt
  • 16993: ExcelIO Fix: Strikethroughs would be lost in certain cells after importing
  • 16996: Fix: Pasting a filtered area that contains merged cells is inconsistent with Excel
  • 16998: Designer Fix: The name box would not update the address when using Ctrl+F
  • 17040: SJS Format Fix: The data binding tree would not import when saving to an SJS format
  • 17042: Fix: The value of the RadioButtonList was too long to be selected
  • 17046: Fix: Multiple radio buttons would appear in a merged cell after inserting a row
  • 17047: Designer Fix: Dialogs would move to the center when any tab is clicked
  • 17056: Fix: After filtering non-null values, filter items would be lost
  • 17062: Fix: Adding an deleting table rows was slow in some circumstances
  • 17066: PivotTable Fix: Inserting a new cell in a PivotTable would cause different behavior
  • 17067: ExcelIO Fix: Loading an Excel file with a camera shape that points to an indirect function would fail
  • 17069: ExcelIO Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting a specific Excel file
  • 17070: ExcelIO Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting a specific Excel file
  • 17075: Calculation Fix: CalcArray was unable to support large volumes of data
  • 17077: Calculation Fix: Applied ranges would not work correctly for CalcArray
  • 17100: Fix: Cut/Copy/Paste could not be disabled in the context menu
  • 17101: Event Fix: The “count” property was missing from the ColumnChanging event
  • 17104: PDF Fix: The width of the border line was too thin at the top of each page
  • 17107: Designer Fix: The “Apply” button in the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog did not work correctly
  • 17111: ExcelIO Fix: The formatter was missing
  • 17136: Calculation Fix: There was an issue with decimal point rounding
  • 17140: Fix: After selecting a merged cell, the scope of Ctrl+F was not correct
  • 17152: PivotTable Fix: The PivotTable could not refresh after using toJSON or fromJSON
  • 17162: ExcelIO Fix: An exported Excel file could not open properly
  • 17177: Fix: Pasted values would be different while sheet.reset() was used
  • 17190: TableSheet Fix: The TableSheet would not be hidden when importing a json file
  • 17213: SJS Format Fix: A text node was incorrect
  • 17220: Export Fix: An error would occur while using toJSON
  • 17260: ExcelIO Fix: An exception would be thrown when loading an Excel file with comments
  • 17269: ExcelIO Fix: Certain Excel files could not import properly
  • 17284: Fix: Custom names could not be shown in an XLSX file
  • 17299: Designer Fix: Column filed could not automatically bind in certain circumstances
  • 17303: Designer Fix: The value option of the data label was not correct
  • 17305: Calculation Fix: SUM formulas would not work on the last rows of a sheet
  • 17308: ExcelIO Fix: File format would be incorrect when using
  • 17317: Designer Fix: Insert Formula would no longer edit the formula after removing the formulaBarPanel
  • 17330: Event Fix: EditEnded would incorrectly fire when the active sheet was changed
  • 17338: Designer Fix: “More font options” tool tip would not correctly translate when switching resources
  • 17340: Shape Fix: The shape position would move after using toJSON and fromJSON
  • 17341: Calculation Fix: changeFormulaReference would return an incorrect result
  • 17358: Calculation Fix: Using SetValue after importing a SJS file would prevent the formula from recalculating
  • 17364: ExcelIO: An error would be thrown when opening a file exported from SpreadJS
  • 17368: Fix: The type of an error in externalLinks was missing
  • 17382: Fix: The column tag was throwing an error when the tag is set to false
  • 17383: PivotTable Fix: An Excel file exported from SpreadJS with a PivotTable would throw errors
  • 17400: ExcelIO Fix: The tableColumn.formatter was invalid after exporting

  • 14577: Framework Support: SpreadJS now supports Next.js
  • 14578: Framework Support: SpreadJS now supports Nuxt.js
  • 15724: Framework Support: SpreadJS now supports Angular 15
  • 16321: Language Release: V16 Japanese Language Release
  • 16479: Chart Fix: Setting primaryCategory.max does not work properly
  • 16587: ExcelIO Fix: A font in an Excel file would change when imported
  • 16601: ExcelIO Fix: The Positive/Negative Error Value of an Error Bar were missing when exported
  • 16621: Input Fix: Backspace wouldn’t remove an image
  • 16673: ExcelIO Fix: Data validation would be removed when importing
  • 16686: File Open Fix: Formula calculation would be incorrect when the openMode was lazy
  • 16709: ExcelIO: A file could not be imported
  • 16726: Image Fix: An inserted image would not be rendered if suspendCalcService(false) was used
  • 16735: Undo Fix: A subtotal value was not updated after an undo operation
  • 16759: Style Fix: The sheet.getRange().setStyle() method would not work for column headers
  • 16763: DataValidation Fix: A validation result would be invalid if “=” was entered in the cell
  • 16764: Designer Fix: An error would be thrown when adding a Pie chart to a column
  • 16783: ExcelIO Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting an Excel with a sparkline
  • 16786: Formula Fix: When an array formula is set with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, the formula text editing area would not update
  • 16801: SJS Format Fix: Sheet tags would be missing after saving and opening an SJS file
  • 16808: Data Binding Fix: Filtering while binding large amounts of data would cause the SpreadJS instance to get stuck
  • 16825: Table Fix: A column header name would revert to a previous value when a row is added to a table with auto expand
  • 16842: SJS Format Fix: A workbook could not be exported to SJS
  • 16844: Designer Fix: The clear filter icon appears top-left aligned when hovered over by the mouse
  • 16851: Hyperlink Fix: If the SpreadJS instance is zoomed, then a hyperlink would not respond
  • 16861: SJS Format Fix: An exception would be thrown when saving if the file has only one TableSheet
  • 16869: Designer Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting to an Excel file with the “Include Styles” flag checked
  • 16877: Shape and Chart Fix: Shapes and Charts would not be inserted properly at end rows
  • 16898: Demo Fix: A particular demo had issues
  • 16942: Print Fix: The position of the print line would not be updated
  • 16946: Page Setup Fix: The right margin would be invalid
  • 16975: ExcelIO Fix: The DataValidation source would be removed when exporting an Excel file
  • 17039: Designer Fix: Sheet tags were lost when saving to the SJS format

  • 16325: Designer Fix: The currency formatter was causing an issue in a dropdown
  • 16421: Fix: The second level of RowOutline would be incomplete
  • 16475: PivotTable Fix: Inserting a PivotTable would only insert 200 rows max
  • 16564: Fix: When sheet.fromJSON is used, there would be issues with formulas that had “@” in them
  • 16565: Fix: The editorStatus would not change when focus was moved to the formula text box
  • 16566: Designer Fix: The allowInsertRows call was not consistent with the UI
  • 16567: Designer Fix: When using setConfig, the data verification pop-up window would pop up twice
  • 16577: PivotTable Fix: A subtotal result was calculated incorrectly
  • 16594: Performance Fix: Slicers were causing a performance issue
  • 16598: Fix: The field name was not displayed when a comboBox cell was bound to a field
  • 16603: SJS File Format Fix: A cell lost its named style after using toSJS then fromSJS
  • 16605: Fix: Two commands would be triggered when deleting an entire row through the cell right-click menu
  • 16614: Fix: An error would be thrown after calling the insertRows method
  • 16623: Fix: A cell format was invalid
  • 16630: ExcelIO Fix: Loading a certain Excel file would cause the browser to crash
  • 16640: Fix: Setting a shared formula would cause an issue
  • 16663: Fix: Using a slicer in a frozen row would cause an issu
  • 16674: ExcelIO Fix: An exception would be thrown when exporting an Excel file after importing a particular SSJSON file

  • 16322: Language Release: v16 CN language added
  • 16323: Language Release: v16 KO language added
  • 16348: Chart Fix: A combination chart was not displayed correctly
  • 16350: Chart Fix: A chart was inconsistent with Excel
  • 16363: Import Fix: Sorting was not working in an imported Excel file
  • 16371: Designer Fix: A dropdown in the Designer would be cut off when the zoom was 175%
  • 16409: Fix: Calling setDataValidator(row, col, null) would not clear the data validator for all cells
  • 16416: Fix: The total value in the status bar would be incorrect
  • 16439: Doc Fix: An API document was not correct
  • 16440: Designer Fix: A dropdown list with a collapsible configuration did not work correctly
  • 16447: Designer Fix: The scroll position would change when a drop-down box pops up
  • 16465: Calculation Fix: The result of the VALUE formula was incorrect when the value of the referenced cell is a percent string
  • 16470: Export Fix: Exporting to PDF would throw an error in certain circumstances
  • 16476: PivotTable Fix: After selecting data a PivotTable could not be inserted correctly in certain circumstances
  • 16477: Accessibility Fix: Currencies could not be read correct in a screenreader

  • 15150: Fix: Part of a cell’s background color would be blank after changing the text rotation angle
  • 16084: Chart Fix: The width of a chart would shrink after undoing and redoing the insertColumn operation
  • 16253: Chart Fix: The data label option would not appear in the sidebar
  • 16334: Shape Fix: A cell format would change when copying a cell with a shape from an Excel file
  • 16337: Calculation Fix: The result of VLOOKUP would be different if the browser language was set to Thai
  • 16340: Fix: Floating elements could not be deleted on mobile devices
  • 16344: Fix: The culture information would not be reflected when showFormulas was set to true
  • 16347: Export Fix: An exported SpreadJS file could not be imported into Excel
  • 16351: Fix: Text would incorrectly show at the top when middle align was set
  • 16352: Fix: Scroll bars would scroll automatically when clicking a viewport in an iFrame with MacOS and Safari
  • 16415: Fix: A dragfill range would be incorrect with a span when the SelectionPolicy was set to single