- 16894: Designer Fix: A pop-up menu would not show in certain circumstances with sheet protection and data validation
- 18712: Fix: The applyCalculatedFields comment would not be triggered in certain circumstances
- 19949: ExcelIO Fix: ShrinkToFit would be enabled after importing specific text
- 20011: Language Release: JP language update
- 20092: Language Release: KO language update
- 20209: Calculation Fix: A dynamic array would not clear the previous results
- 20269: Calculation Fix: A conditional format would not work correctly if a row was inserted at the top of the formula's range
- 20325: Fix: The percentage sign could not be removed in certain circumstances
- 20499: Fix: Entering a negative number with a comma would show a #VALUE! error
- 20505: Fix: The group expand/collapse buttons would not display correctly after deleting a row
- 20529: Calculation Fix: The VALUE function would not work correctly with the space numberGroupSeparator in fr_FR culture
- 20591: Fix: The margin of a cell button could not be set beyond 15
- 20750: TableSheet Performance Fix: The serialization took longer than previous versions
- 20771: ExcelIO Fix: The "Include Unusued Styles" flag would cause unexpected behavior
- 20821: Calculation Fix: The HYPERLINK formula did not work correctly
- 20825: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting to Excel would fail and throw an exception in certain circumstances
- 20828: Fix: SheetList was positioned at the top of the page on mobile devices
- 20831: Fix: Hidden row information was pasted when copying across workbooks
- 20843: Fix: Customizing the filter would cause the filter type to display incorrectly
- 20859: Fix: Calculated fields were able to be added with duplicate name
- 20870: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting a specific Excel file would cause Excel to prompt to repair the file when opened
- 20888: Fix: Cell styles did not display consistently
- 20890: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting to Excel had incorrect scaling in some circumstances
- 20892: ExcelIO Fix: A specific file could not be imported
- 20909: Fix: The SpreadJS instance would crash when switching the active sheet in some circumstances
- 20995: Fix: The dialog box could not be closed when editing rich text on a checkbox cell
- 21003: ExcelIO Fix: Importing a specific file would cause a format error
- 21028: Fix: The placeholder could not be cancelled if the inputTitle was not set during data validation
- 21052: Calculation Fix: Cloning a sheet throws an error if the calcService was supsended
- 21054: ExcelIO Fix: Date characters were not exported as OADate format for Excel
SpreadJS v16 Hotfixes
The latest updates and information on the SpreadJS JavaScript Library.
Please tell us what you think in the SpreadJS forums.
- 18350: ExcelIO Fix: Opening a specific Excel file and using recalcAll(true) would cause an exception to be thrown
- 18820: ExcelIO Fix: Opening a specific Excel file would throw an error
- 20045: ExcelIO Fix: Opening an Excel file saved from SpreadJS would cause errors in Excel
- 20146: Calculation Fix: Using Spread.calculate() after inserting a row would needt to be executed twice in order for asyncFormula to work correctly
- 20388: Keyboard Shortcuts Fix: The keyboard shortcuts project was missing functionality
- 20590: Calculation Fix: SUMIFS formula had a different result from Excel
- 20609: Fix: The validator highlight style for "dogEar" would not show correctly
- 20610: Calculation Fix: VLOOKUP formula had a different reslt from Excel
- 20614: Table Fix: inserting columns and setting column formulas in a table would throw an error
- 20627: TableSheet Performance Fix: A TableSheet would be slow when opening a filter dialog
- 20628: ExcelIO Fix: Vertical text would become horizontal once exported
- 20700: Fix: Columns were not filtered properly
- 20735: Design Fix: The Designer could not open a specific JSON file
- 20736: Table Fix: The TableResized event was not fired when the table was resized due to a drag-fill action
- 20772: Designer Fix: The print preview in the Designer was inconsistent with the browser's pop-up print preview
- 20833: ExcelIO Fix: Data could not be loaded normally after an Excel file was imported
- 19564: Fix: The formula text box would exit when using cross sheet references
- 19842: Designer Fix: An issue would happen when trying to create a combination diagram
- 19932: Fix: The number of blanks rows inserted by SpreadJS when inserting copied cells was inconsistent with Excel
- 19953: Fix: A floating picture was incorrectly deleted after removing the row it was located in
- 20101: Designer Fix: Pressing the Esc key while in the Protection Alert dialog would cause the Function button in the formula bar to be enabled
- 20200: ExcelIO Fix: A scrolling issue would happen when importing a specific Excel file
- 20220: Designer Fix: There was an issue with the display of the "Invalid Formula" pop-up caused by batch character replacement
- 20271: Fix: Unmerging after merging and setting borders on cells would cause abnormal borders to show
- 20280: Fix: Freezing a trailing column and clicking on the horizontal scrollbar would cause a blank gap to show
- 20292: Fix: A group result would display incorrectly if the value of the group field was changed
- 20298: ExcelIO Fix: Changing the value of a FormControl would not work correctly after importing an Excel file
- 20363: Fix: A cell wouldn't display the value if it had a default value in binding mode
- 20370: Fix: Using data binding would cause some cell styles to change
- 20411: ExcelIO Fix: Opening a specific Excel file would cause an error to happen
- 20412: Designer Fix: Setting a combobox with the editable check unchecked would still allow it to be edited through the formula bar
- 20427: Fix: The click event would become invalid when a tooltip was displayed
- 20466: ExcelIO Fix: An exported Excel file would lose its document properties
- 20504: ExcelIO Fix: Images would not show after importing a specific Excel file
- 20528: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting a SJS file would fail in certain circumstances
- 8943: Fix: Moving the scrollbar would cause the border to disappear after freezing the first row
- 9106: Fix: A border would not be displayed correctly when text overflows a cell
- 18754: Designer Fix: The Find and Replace dialog would disappear when clicking on the Enter button
- 19609: Fix: Cell indentation distance would be inconsistent after scaling
- 19621: Fix: Upper and left borders would disappear if text was aligned at the top in certain circumstances
- 19802: Chart Fix: Modifying chart legend entries would cause series names to change to cell indexes
- 19807: Excel IO Fix: A file with charts would have errors when exporting from SpreadJS
- 19837: Designer Fix: SpreadJS would become unresponsive when opening the File > Print menu
- 19884: Accessibility Fix: An issue was happening with the VoiceOver Screen Reader on MacOS
- 19886: Excel IO Fix: The scatter plot in an imported file would be in an incorrect position
- 19887: Excel IO Fix: Importing an Excel file would cause charts to display as blank in certain circumstances
- 19888: Excel IO Fix: A combination chart would display incorrectly after importing
- 19934: Fix: A sheet would become blank after deleting another sheet
- 19966: Excel IO Fix: The FirstPageNumber property would not export correctly
- 19970: TableSheet Fix: A formula result referencing a TableSheet cell would not update correctly when that cell was changed
- 20020: Fix: The Find and Replace feature doesn't work when binding data for the sheet
- 20022: Fix: The height of the last row would overflow the sheet when scrolling to the bottom of the worksheet using the down arrow key
- 20023: Fix: The height of the last row would overflow the sheet when selecting a floating object and scrolling to the bottom of the worksheet using the down arrow key
- 20040: Fix: Modifying the position of the name box would cause issues with other cells
- 20044: Excel IO Fix: Line breaks would be lost after importing an Excel file into SpreadJS
- 20096: Chart Fix: A chart's horizontal axis would display incorrectly
- 20150: Fix: Setting a default value as a function would incorrectly affect the bound datasource
- 20154: Calculation Fix: Formula results were inconsistent using suspend and resume calculation
- 20175: Designer Fix: The barCodeSetting would not show correctly when the PivotTable add-on was not enabled
- 20202: Export Fix: Exporting a PDF would cause issues in some circumstances
- 20236: Chart Fix: A chart's horizontal axis would display incorrectly
- 20251: Excel IO Fix: Links would be broken after importing in certain circumstances
- 20273: TableSheet Fix: New rows could not be added with an empty array if the TableSheet was in hierarchical data mode
- 19478: Performance Fix: Pixel scrolling had poor performance after importing a JSON file
- 19479: Formula Fix: Formulas could not be autocompleted with a shortcut key
- 19592: Formula Fix: RANK.AVG did not calculate correctly
- 19606: Mobile Fix: Phone keyboard would incorrectly show when using a copy command
- 19620: Table Fix: InvalidOperation was not fired when inserting a table column causes another table’s cells to move
- 19649: Excel I/O Fix: Diagonal border lines were missing when an Excel file was imported and then exported
- 19651: Protection Fix: The formatting brush was not available after protecting a form with cell formatting allowed
- 19680: Performance Fix: Conditional formatting formula evaluation would cause performance issues
- 19734: Fix: The value of a cell would be displayed incorrectly if the Style.hAlign property is set to centerContinuous
- 19744: Fix: Column cutting and inserting cut cells would throw an error
- 19773: Table Fix: Setting a table data source would fail in certain circumstances
- 19774: Table Fix: A “#REF!” error would show when re-binding table columns
- 19782: Calculation Fix: Certain calculation results were inconsistent with Excel
- 19789: Fix: Editing issues would arise when merged cells exceed the visible range
- 19794: Chinese Language Release for v16 Service Pack 2
- 19825: Excel I/O Fix: Custom functions in an imported Excel file would be incorrectly prefixed with “_xll”
- 19831: Designer Fix: The Designer Component could not import a specific file
- 19838: Excel I/O Fix: Importing a specific Excel file would throw an error
- 19841: Shape Fix: A camera shape would display incorrectly when data was deleted
- 19844: Excel I/O Fix: A chart would not display after importing an Excel file
- 19885: Calculation Fix: A subtotal formula would not update when expanding/shrinking RowOutlines
- 19905: Fix: When pixel scrolling is set on mobile devices, the row height button would disappear if the row height was set to exceed the height of one screen
- 19933: PivotTable Fix: The increase decimals button would cause issues in a PivotTable cell
- 19951: Table Fix: After expandBoundRows is set and filled with data, a blank row would appear in the table
- 20008: Conditional Formatting Fix: Conditional formatting was optimized
- 19756: ExcelIO Fix: A specific Excel file would hang when loading into SpreadJS
- 17724: Framework Support: SpreadJS now supports Angular 16
- 18132: Language Support: V16 Service Pack 1 Japanese Language support was added
- 18649: Designer Fix: Setting some text to traditional Chinese would be invalid
- 18658: Fix: The Custom Header Text Format would not work for double underline
- 18677: Fix: Deleting a table row would cause formula loss
- 18728: Fix: Filter items would not be cleared properly
- 18735: Fix: Table header text would not show when a table was cut and pasted directly below another table
- 18753: Fix: The color of number format wouldn’t work correctly after setting a conditional formatting
- 18793 and 18821: PDF Export Fix: Exporting a PDF in some circumstances would throw an error message about the file being written abnormally
- 18810: Fix: Inserting a column was inconsistent with Excel
- 18842: Fix: Sorting was not performed correctly in a table
- 18118: Fix: Deleting and shifting cells up would cause issues with styles
- 18131: Language Release: Korean Language version was released
- 18330: Designer Fix: The FileLoading event could not be properly listened to
- 18458: Performance Fix: Adding a custom name would take too long in some circumstances
- 18460: Designer Fix: The conditional formatting target range was incorrect when the PivotTable layout was tabular in the Designer
- 18530: Accessibility Fix: The screen reader would not read checkboxes correctly
- 18531: Accessibility Fix: The screen reader would not read button cells correctly
- 18532: Accessibility Fix: The screen reader would not read links correctly
- 18543: Fix: Clearing a filter result would result in data loss in some circumstances
- 18544: Fix: A filter result was different from Excel
- 18549: Fix: The state rule conflicts with the cell type and causes an error
- 18556: PivotTable Fix: Importing and exporting a PivotTable causes the autoStart and autoEnd properties to not work
- 18557: ExcelIO Fix: A template imported into SpreadJS was inconsistent with Excel
- 18627: Designer Fix: The rangeblock formatting would have issues when set in the designer
- 10219: ExcelIO Fix: Importing and exporting would throw a style exception
- 13171: PDF Fix: PDF Exporting would cause an issue
- 14266: ExcelIO Fix: An Excel file would no import correctly
- 17087: PivotTable Fix: Gridlines would disappear after exporting a PivotTable
- 17421: Designer Fix: Clicking a designer toolbar button would cause a cell to exit edit mode
- 17810: Feature: Names can now be hidden in the Name Manager
- 17899: Chart Fix: A chart was inconsistent with Excel
- 18144: Fix: The isFileModified state would not change properly
- 18177: Chart Fix: A Pie chart in the preview dialog was incorrect
- 18239: Chart Fix: Axis information was incorrect
- 18254: ExcelIO Fix: Opening a SpreadJS exported file would throw an error in Excel
- 18280: Calculation Fix: The result of a certain calculation was different from Excel
- 18303: Mac Fix: Undoing does not trigger the status change for the Designer toolbar
- 18306: Calculation Fix: Undoing would result in incorrect formula calculation
- 18307: Fix: Clicking the dropdown in a data source would throw an exception
- 18317: Mobile Fix: Zooming in would cause the screen to display incorrectly
- 18336: Fix: Line spacing gets larger when font size is different in rich text cells
- 18425: ExcelIO Fix: An error would be thrown when a workbook was exported to Excel
- 18429: ExcelIO Fix: Calling the import method on a workbook instance would throw an error
- 18488: TableSheet Performance Fix: The performance of TableSheet was hindered
- 15103: Fix: Cells were incorrectly shifted when pasting an entire row and performing an undo operation
- 16428: Fix: A formula range would not be correct after inserting a new row
- 17290: Designer Fix: Conditional formatting could not be set from the ribbon in certain circumstances
- 17378: Import Fix: Cross workbook formulas would change after loading an Excel file
- 17407: Export Fix: Table formulas in an exported .SJS file was not correct
- 17448: Fix: The font size for a rich text cell would change when italics were turned on
- 17540: PDF Export Fix: Exporting a PDF would throw a “File Read and Write Exception”
- 17541: Fix: The formula tooltip would overlap with the cell editor in certain circumstances
- 17568: Calculation Fix: The formula text for a target column would be incorrect when copying and pasting a column
- 17592: Import Fix: An exception would be thrown when opening a specific .SJS file
- 17599: Fix: The table filter state was incorrect when opening a specific file
- 17603: Designer Fix: The location of a dialog would shift outside the right side of the screen
- 17610: Fix: A data label would display incorrectly
- 17612: Import Fix: An Excel file with a PivotTable would not import correctly
- 17624: Fix: JSON properties did not match between 15.2.5 and 16.0.6
- 17630: Calculation Fix: The calculation of Average/Count/Sum formulas would be incorrect after scrolling
- 17647: Export Fix: An exported Excel file would have issues when loading in Excel
- 17684: Export Fix: Setting autoGenerateColumns to false would throw errors when exporting to Excel
- 17720: Designer Fix: A camera shape would become blank when the Designer is moved between screens
- 17777: Export Fix: The wireframe value of a chart was changed when saving to .SJS
- 17779: Export Fix: The value of a chart property was incorrect after saving to .SJS
- 16331: Designer Fix: Table binding was slow when adding table column fields
- 16549: Fix: SpreadJS goes blank when a checkbox is checked
- 16751: Calculation Fix: Selecting a chart cause formulas to calculate continuously
- 17044: Fix: Autofit did not factor in the height of checkboxlist or radiobuttonlist
- 17081: Fix: Invalid circles were drawn on column cells when column did not exist
- 17090: Fix: Custom mouse cursor did not work for Charts, Shapes, or Slicers
- 17208: Filter Fix: Scrolling and dragging of the filter dialog would not work
- 17306: Designer Fix: The shape size popup would not stay open
- 17325: Fix: Clipboard content would get cleared incorrectly when exiting edit mode
- 17351: Designer Fix: Certain ribbon commands were not hidden
- 17353: Designer Fix: A dialog would not be destroyed after calling designer.destroy()
- 17387: Export Fix: An Excel file would be corrupt after exporting from SpreadJS
- 17397: Fix: Right-clicking a cell and setting it to merged did not work correctly
- 17398: Calculation Fix: There was a formula calculation error
- 17406: ExcelIO Fix: Importing and then exporting an Excel file would change the underline style for hyperlinks
- 17411: Fix: Theme colors were incorrectly imported as RGB colors in pattern fill
- 17413: Import Fix: Conditional formatting changes when importing an Excel or SJS file
- 17439: Designer Fix: Format display is different from Excel
- 17441: Style Fix: The style for a cell was not correct
- 17461: Designer Fix: Clicking a chart would cause the designer to get stuck
- 17464: Fix: Styles were incorrectly filled
- 17468: Designer Fix: RichText would past only values
- 17479: Fix: The invalid formula dialog was prompted after clicking the data validation drop-down item
- 17487: Fix: allowUserEditFormula can’t be set to allow only pasting values
- 17500: Fix: When moving a floating object on a scrolling sheet, the destination cell would sometimes be different
- 17519: Fix: Calculated columns would not be shown in the columns section of a data source table
- 17567: Designer Fix: Sheet rows and columns count was limited17581: Fix: Formatting a cell with a code would apply to all cells in the sheet
- 16633: Printing Fix: A column was lost when printing
- 16677: Calculation Fix: Calculation would lag behind by one cell change
- 16750: Printing Fix: The margins do not match up with Excel
- 16752: Fix: A cell would incorrectly display 1e-7 after inputting 0.0000001
- 16758: PDF Fix: Text was missing when exporting to PDF
- 16904: TableSheet Fix: There was an issue with the data loading process for TableSheet
- 16919: Designer Fix: The header font dialog could not add a new font
- 16924: Calculation Fix: When a formula is being edited, the current sheet name appears
- 16937: Designer Fix: The context menu would show extra separator lines at the bottom
- 16940: ExcelIO Fix: External references are lost when loading a specific Excel file and exporting it
- 16966: Performance Fix: A performance issue would occur when using Large Data in a SpreadJS Table
- 16988: Calculation Fix: Formula results were different from Excel
- 16989: ExcelIO Fix: An error would be thrown when importing an XLSX file containing SmartArt
- 16993: ExcelIO Fix: Strikethroughs would be lost in certain cells after importing
- 16996: Fix: Pasting a filtered area that contains merged cells is inconsistent with Excel
- 16998: Designer Fix: The name box would not update the address when using Ctrl+F
- 17040: SJS Format Fix: The data binding tree would not import when saving to an SJS format
- 17042: Fix: The value of the RadioButtonList was too long to be selected
- 17046: Fix: Multiple radio buttons would appear in a merged cell after inserting a row
- 17047: Designer Fix: Dialogs would move to the center when any tab is clicked
- 17056: Fix: After filtering non-null values, filter items would be lost
- 17062: Fix: Adding an deleting table rows was slow in some circumstances
- 17066: PivotTable Fix: Inserting a new cell in a PivotTable would cause different behavior
- 17067: ExcelIO Fix: Loading an Excel file with a camera shape that points to an indirect function would fail
- 17069: ExcelIO Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting a specific Excel file
- 17070: ExcelIO Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting a specific Excel file
- 17075: Calculation Fix: CalcArray was unable to support large volumes of data
- 17077: Calculation Fix: Applied ranges would not work correctly for CalcArray
- 17100: Fix: Cut/Copy/Paste could not be disabled in the context menu
- 17101: Event Fix: The “count” property was missing from the ColumnChanging event
- 17104: PDF Fix: The width of the border line was too thin at the top of each page
- 17107: Designer Fix: The “Apply” button in the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog did not work correctly
- 17111: ExcelIO Fix: The formatter was missing
- 17136: Calculation Fix: There was an issue with decimal point rounding
- 17140: Fix: After selecting a merged cell, the scope of Ctrl+F was not correct
- 17152: PivotTable Fix: The PivotTable could not refresh after using toJSON or fromJSON
- 17162: ExcelIO Fix: An exported Excel file could not open properly
- 17177: Fix: Pasted values would be different while sheet.reset() was used
- 17190: TableSheet Fix: The TableSheet would not be hidden when importing a json file
- 17213: SJS Format Fix: A text node was incorrect
- 17220: Export Fix: An error would occur while using toJSON
- 17260: ExcelIO Fix: An exception would be thrown when loading an Excel file with comments
- 17269: ExcelIO Fix: Certain Excel files could not import properly
- 17284: Fix: Custom names could not be shown in an XLSX file
- 17299: Designer Fix: Column filed could not automatically bind in certain circumstances
- 17303: Designer Fix: The value option of the data label was not correct
- 17305: Calculation Fix: SUM formulas would not work on the last rows of a sheet
- 17308: ExcelIO Fix: File format would be incorrect when using ExcelIO.save
- 17317: Designer Fix: Insert Formula would no longer edit the formula after removing the formulaBarPanel
- 17330: Event Fix: EditEnded would incorrectly fire when the active sheet was changed
- 17338: Designer Fix: “More font options” tool tip would not correctly translate when switching resources
- 17340: Shape Fix: The shape position would move after using toJSON and fromJSON
- 17341: Calculation Fix: changeFormulaReference would return an incorrect result
- 17358: Calculation Fix: Using SetValue after importing a SJS file would prevent the formula from recalculating
- 17364: ExcelIO: An error would be thrown when opening a file exported from SpreadJS
- 17368: Fix: The type of an error in externalLinks was missing
- 17382: Fix: The column tag was throwing an error when the tag is set to false
- 17383: PivotTable Fix: An Excel file exported from SpreadJS with a PivotTable would throw errors
- 17400: ExcelIO Fix: The tableColumn.formatter was invalid after exporting
- 14577: Framework Support: SpreadJS now supports Next.js
- 14578: Framework Support: SpreadJS now supports Nuxt.js
- 15724: Framework Support: SpreadJS now supports Angular 15
- 16321: Language Release: V16 Japanese Language Release
- 16479: Chart Fix: Setting primaryCategory.max does not work properly
- 16587: ExcelIO Fix: A font in an Excel file would change when imported
- 16601: ExcelIO Fix: The Positive/Negative Error Value of an Error Bar were missing when exported
- 16621: Input Fix: Backspace wouldn’t remove an image
- 16673: ExcelIO Fix: Data validation would be removed when importing
- 16686: File Open Fix: Formula calculation would be incorrect when the openMode was lazy
- 16709: ExcelIO: A file could not be imported
- 16726: Image Fix: An inserted image would not be rendered if suspendCalcService(false) was used
- 16735: Undo Fix: A subtotal value was not updated after an undo operation
- 16759: Style Fix: The sheet.getRange().setStyle() method would not work for column headers
- 16763: DataValidation Fix: A validation result would be invalid if “=” was entered in the cell
- 16764: Designer Fix: An error would be thrown when adding a Pie chart to a column
- 16783: ExcelIO Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting an Excel with a sparkline
- 16786: Formula Fix: When an array formula is set with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, the formula text editing area would not update
- 16801: SJS Format Fix: Sheet tags would be missing after saving and opening an SJS file
- 16808: Data Binding Fix: Filtering while binding large amounts of data would cause the SpreadJS instance to get stuck
- 16825: Table Fix: A column header name would revert to a previous value when a row is added to a table with auto expand
- 16842: SJS Format Fix: A workbook could not be exported to SJS
- 16844: Designer Fix: The clear filter icon appears top-left aligned when hovered over by the mouse
- 16851: Hyperlink Fix: If the SpreadJS instance is zoomed, then a hyperlink would not respond
- 16861: SJS Format Fix: An exception would be thrown when saving if the file has only one TableSheet
- 16869: Designer Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting to an Excel file with the “Include Styles” flag checked
- 16877: Shape and Chart Fix: Shapes and Charts would not be inserted properly at end rows
- 16898: Demo Fix: A particular demo had issues
- 16942: Print Fix: The position of the print line would not be updated
- 16946: Page Setup Fix: The right margin would be invalid
- 16975: ExcelIO Fix: The DataValidation source would be removed when exporting an Excel file
- 17039: Designer Fix: Sheet tags were lost when saving to the SJS format
- 16325: Designer Fix: The currency formatter was causing an issue in a dropdown
- 16421: Fix: The second level of RowOutline would be incomplete
- 16475: PivotTable Fix: Inserting a PivotTable would only insert 200 rows max
- 16564: Fix: When sheet.fromJSON is used, there would be issues with formulas that had “@” in them
- 16565: Fix: The editorStatus would not change when focus was moved to the formula text box
- 16566: Designer Fix: The allowInsertRows call was not consistent with the UI
- 16567: Designer Fix: When using setConfig, the data verification pop-up window would pop up twice
- 16577: PivotTable Fix: A subtotal result was calculated incorrectly
- 16594: Performance Fix: Slicers were causing a performance issue
- 16598: Fix: The field name was not displayed when a comboBox cell was bound to a field
- 16603: SJS File Format Fix: A cell lost its named style after using toSJS then fromSJS
- 16605: Fix: Two commands would be triggered when deleting an entire row through the cell right-click menu
- 16614: Fix: An error would be thrown after calling the insertRows method
- 16623: Fix: A cell format was invalid
- 16630: ExcelIO Fix: Loading a certain Excel file would cause the browser to crash
- 16640: Fix: Setting a shared formula would cause an issue
- 16663: Fix: Using a slicer in a frozen row would cause an issu
- 16674: ExcelIO Fix: An exception would be thrown when exporting an Excel file after importing a particular SSJSON file
- 16322: Language Release: v16 CN language added
- 16323: Language Release: v16 KO language added
- 16348: Chart Fix: A combination chart was not displayed correctly
- 16350: Chart Fix: A chart was inconsistent with Excel
- 16363: Import Fix: Sorting was not working in an imported Excel file
- 16371: Designer Fix: A dropdown in the Designer would be cut off when the zoom was 175%
- 16409: Fix: Calling setDataValidator(row, col, null) would not clear the data validator for all cells
- 16416: Fix: The total value in the status bar would be incorrect
- 16439: Doc Fix: An API document was not correct
- 16440: Designer Fix: A dropdown list with a collapsible configuration did not work correctly
- 16447: Designer Fix: The scroll position would change when a drop-down box pops up
- 16465: Calculation Fix: The result of the VALUE formula was incorrect when the value of the referenced cell is a percent string
- 16470: Export Fix: Exporting to PDF would throw an error in certain circumstances
- 16476: PivotTable Fix: After selecting data a PivotTable could not be inserted correctly in certain circumstances
- 16477: Accessibility Fix: Currencies could not be read correct in a screenreader
- 15150: Fix: Part of a cell’s background color would be blank after changing the text rotation angle
- 16084: Chart Fix: The width of a chart would shrink after undoing and redoing the insertColumn operation
- 16253: Chart Fix: The data label option would not appear in the sidebar
- 16334: Shape Fix: A cell format would change when copying a cell with a shape from an Excel file
- 16337: Calculation Fix: The result of VLOOKUP would be different if the browser language was set to Thai
- 16340: Fix: Floating elements could not be deleted on mobile devices
- 16344: Fix: The culture information would not be reflected when showFormulas was set to true
- 16347: Export Fix: An exported SpreadJS file could not be imported into Excel
- 16351: Fix: Text would incorrectly show at the top when middle align was set
- 16352: Fix: Scroll bars would scroll automatically when clicking a viewport in an iFrame with MacOS and Safari
- 16415: Fix: A dragfill range would be incorrect with a span when the SelectionPolicy was set to single