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GrapeCity Developer Solutions Launches Pivot Table Support for JavaScript Spreadsheet

Pittsburgh, PA – June 7th, 2021 GrapeCity, a global provider of award-winning enterprise software development tools, announced that its JavaScript spreadsheet solution, SpreadJS, is now offering pivot table support as an add-on feature. Included in the SpreadJS v14.1 release, this highly anticipated, customer-requested feature launches with PivotPanel UI and contains Excel import and export capabilities. In addition, the pivot table add-on supports various functions like sorting, filtering, and grouping. As the only JavaScript spreadsheet solution to support pivot tables in a spreadsheet, rather than a separate control, developers working in data analytics, sales, and marketing can take advantage of this unique feature set. Pivot table support is available as an add-on for SpreadJS customers on the GrapeCity website.

“We are excited to announce that SpreadJS now supports pivot tables for your JavaScript spreadsheet applications," said Product Manager Kevin Ashley. "Similar to Microsoft Excel, this add-on feature allows you to quickly summarize and analyze large quantities of data with a simple and intuitive UI."

JavaScript developers who purchase the add-on license can leverage the pivot table feature for deep customization and quick data analysis. Users can create a pivot table by providing their own data or adding existing table data. Style the pivot table's appearance using various options, themes, and layouts. Using either the side panel to select and drag data or the JavaScript spreadsheet API to set the sections in code, enterprise developers can easily make data available in the pivot table. To learn more about using SpreadJS’ pivot table add-on feature, visit the GrapeCity website.

There are numerous parameters to improve the appearance of pivot tables. Based on the type of data and its presentation, various layout options are available. With the Compact Form, developers can optimize readability by keeping related data in one column. Using the Outline Form allows each row field to reside in a separate column - displaying one column per field and providing space for field headers. Tabular Form's traditional table format is perceptive for users and includes field headers in each column - allowing developers to repeat item labels. Customers can also reuse the pivot table data in a new location for further analysis. To learn more about pivot layout, read the release blog.

SpreadJS allows JavaScript developers to modify the standard pivot table presentation with specific parameters and customize it with distinctive settings. When adding a pivot table, include a group of parameters to determine the other aspects of the pivot appearance like total and subtotal position, filters, visibility of the tooltip, etc. In addition to the pivot options, the AutofitColumn feature adjusts the pivot table layout for a better appearance. For example, it automatically changes the column width to accommodate the longest value in a field. With Pivot ContextMenu, end-users can apply sorting, reorder field headers, and customize the control by expanding and collapsing field values with a compact and intuitive UI. To learn more about the many pivot table features available, visit the release blog.

About GrapeCity: GrapeCity is an award-winning Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and one of the world’s largest providers of developer components. The company has more than 850 employees and hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide. For over 30 years, GrapeCity has provided enterprises around the world with state-of-the-art developer tools and components, software services, and solutions. For more company information, visit the GrapeCity website.


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