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Adding Style to FlexGrid Filter Icon and Column When Filter is Active

Styling the Active FlexGrid Filter Icon


Wijmo FlexGrid's filter icon can be fully customized and styled. For additional functionality and customization you can utilize a few FlexGrid methods.

Steps to Complete:

1. Style the active filter icon use the ".wj-filter-on class".

2.Determine if a columns filter is active and add a style to the column.

Getting Started:

Style the active filter icon use the ".wj-filter-on class"

To style the filter icon when a filter is active use the ".wj-filter-on class" and add desired styles:

.wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.wj-filter-on .wj-elem-filter {
  color: orange !important;

Determine if a columns filter is active and add a style to the column

Use the formatItem event and the addHandler method to determine the column header you wish to customize and use the addClass method to set the CSS:

grid.formatItem.addHandler((s, e) => {
  if (e.panel == s.columnHeaders) {
    let col = e.getColumn();
    if (wjCore.hasClass(e.cell, "wj-filter-on")) {
      col.cssClass = "filtered-col";
    } else {
      col.cssClass = null;
The CSS:
.wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.wj-filter-on .wj-glyph-filter {
    transform: scale(1.25)

.wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.wj-filter-on .wj-elem-filter {
  color: orange !important;

.wj-flexgrid .wj-colheaders .wj-header.wj-cell.wj-filter-on {
  color: seagreen !important;

  color: red !important;

An app example showcasing this can be found here.

Happy coding!

Andrew Peterson

Technical Engagement Engineer