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Highlight Control on Focus in Angular


By default, Wijmo Input controls do not get highlighted when they come into focus. We can change this by adding some CSS to the control's class.

Steps to Complete:

1. Add a class to the control

2. Assign border style to the CSS class on focus-within

Getting Started

Add a class to the control

First, you'll need to add a class to the control so that we can append CSS to it when it goes into focus

<wj-auto-complete class="autocmplt" [itemsSource]="oceanData"></wj-auto-complete>

Assign border style to the CSS class on focus-within

Next, CSS will need to be added to place a border around the control when it gains focus.

.autocmplt:focus-within {
    border: 1px solid blue;

Focus-within is used because the textbox that you can enter information into is another element within the actual control. Focus-within will apply the CSS when an element within the class receives focus.

You can find a live sample of this project at this location:

Joel Parks