Issues found testing with 8.0.20241.664

Posted by: abraham on 16 August 2024, 2:21 am EST

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    Posted 16 August 2024, 2:21 am EST - Updated 16 August 2024, 10:24 pm EST

    Doing new evaluations of the C1 Input v 8 controls to assess the viability of upgrades of legacy .NET 4.8 projects, we discovered the current v 8 (8.0.20241.664) C1 input controls have two annoying issues that should be fixed somehow.

    Issue 1)

    Adding the C1.Win.DbNavigator to a project that already has C1.Win.Input, C1.Win.Calendar, C1.Win.TrueDBGrid, C1.Win.FlexGrid added, causes the designer to choke: the C1TextBox control is not visible anymore in the Toolbox panel and any existing on-form C1TextBox controls cannot be edited with the Form designer anymore. See two example solutions below that demonstrate this problem.

    Issue 2)

    Setting the DataSource + DataMember for e.g. C1TextBox / C1DateEdit / C1Label to an on-form BindingSource and a named member/field/column, but with the BindingSource itself still unconnected to an underlying DataTable/DataView/BindingList, the appropriate init code for InitializeComponent() is generated. However when the application is run, the C1 Input controls throw exceptions because the BindingSource is still unconnected/empty at the time InitializeComponent() is run - that happens only after that call in the remainder of de Form Constructor code.

    C1 controls like C1FlexGrid or C1TrueDBGrid don’t have this problem, so this would be easy to fix: do not throw exceptions when the DataSource for the controls is still empty.

    It should be noted standard .NET controls like TextBox also do have the this capability of a DataBinding to a named field/member/column for a BindingSource that doesn’t have a DataSource set yet at design-time. So fixing this issue for the C1 Input controls would bring it in line with the standard .NET controls.

  • Posted 16 August 2024, 2:25 am EST - Updated 16 August 2024, 2:27 am EST

  • Posted 19 August 2024, 2:18 am EST


    Thank you for providing the samples. We were able to replicate the following two of the behaviors:

    1. Input controls are not visible in Toolbox after installing DBNavigator. [Internal Tracking ID: C1WIN-32788]
    2. C1TextBox and C1Label are not editable / VS deadlocks. [Internal Tracking ID: C1WIN-32789]

      We have escalated these behaviors to the development team to get further insights. Rest assured we’ll update you once we get any information.

    We are sorry, but we could not replicate issue 2, where setting the DataSource + DataMember for C1Input controls results in an exception in the designer using your instructions in the sample attached (uncomment these next two lines + set these properties using the Winforms Designer to reproduce the exception).

    To replicate the behavior, we tried to create a sample project and set DataSource + DataMember with empty binding source and got the following error:

    System.ArgumentException: 'Cannot bind to the property or column city on the DataSource. (Parameter 'dataMember')'

    We have escalated this behavior to the development team for further investigation. [Internal Tracking ID: C1WIN-32790]

    Please let us know if you are also getting the same error.



  • Posted 19 August 2024, 2:45 am EST


    Issue 2) is a run-time error as indicated in the text; the exception you mention is the correct one for that. It shouldn’t occur for controls bound to a BindingSource that still has an unbound DataSource itself at the time InitializeComponent() is run.

    Looking forward to updates from the dev team.

  • Posted 20 August 2024, 12:03 am EST


    As per the development team,

    • C1WIN-32788 and C1WIN-32789 : These issues have been fixed and will be available in the upcoming release. (2024 v1 hotfix 2)
    • Thank you for the confirmation on “issue 2”; we’ll let you know once we have updates from the development team on this behavior.



  • Posted 20 August 2024, 12:17 am EST


    That’s good news.

    For issue 2) it’s important the behaviour of the C1 Input controls is brought in line with the standard .NET controls (e.g. TextBox) and the C1FlexGrid and C1TrueDBGrid controls - these all behave correctly when bound to BindingSource members/fields/columns where the BindingSource is still unbound itself.

    Consistency across .NET and C1 controls is essential.

  • Posted 21 August 2024, 3:25 am EST


    As per the development team, the issue-2 you reported is a bug and ETA for the fix is 2025v1.

    [Internal Bug ID: C1WIN-32799]

    Rest assured, we’ll update you once the issue has been fixed.



  • Posted 22 August 2024, 8:07 pm EST

    Wonderful, looking forward to the fixes.

  • Posted 25 October 2024, 8:12 am EST


    We are glad to let you know that both C1WIN-32788 and C1WIN-32789 issues have been fixed in the 2024v1 hotfix 2. You can update your nuget packages to the latest version (8.0.20241.672) to resolve the issue.

    We’ll update you once your last issue is also fixed.



  • Posted 25 October 2024, 11:11 am EST - Updated 25 October 2024, 11:11 am EST

    Thanks, will test asap … !

  • Posted 18 February 2025, 7:15 am EST

    Any news on the resolution of this Internal Bug ID: C1WIN-32799 ? Is that still forecast for the 2025 v1 update?

  • Posted 18 February 2025, 8:53 am EST

    I received an email reply related to this thread, but the reply does not appear on the forum thread. The fix for issue-2 as describe in my original posting and further explained in the thread is essential to bring the C1 components in line with standard .NET controls behaviour. Without that fix we can’t use the designer to link C1 controls to a BindingSource that hasn’t got a DataSource itself yet at runtime when a Form’s InitializeComponent() is called. Normally the BindingSource’s DataSource will be set AFTER the InitializeComponent() call in the Form constructor.

    It’s a simply fix really - C1 controls should not throw an exception when they’re instantiated and configured during InitializeComponent() when the connected BindingSource DataSource is still empty. I could do it myself if the code was open source.

  • Posted 19 February 2025, 10:46 pm EST


    We’ve tested the latest version of the control, and the issue has been resolved. Although the team initially expected the fix to appear in the 2025v1 release, it was actually implemented and released ahead of schedule.

    We understand that while some issues might seem simple to fix, we need to fully test every change to ensure it doesn’t introduce new problems. Thorough testing and QA take time, and we truly appreciate your patience and cooperation.

    The issue is fixed and released in the 2024v2 Hotfix1-693 build. Please upgrade the version to resolve the issue.



  • Posted 6 March 2025, 11:43 pm EST

    I’ve just conducted a renewed evaluation of C1 Winforms version 8.0.20242.700 (latest), and indeed, the bugs I reported in August 2024 have been fixed. We’ll deepen our evaluation and hopefully this release might finally enable us to migrate from .NET 4.8 to .NET 9 …

  • Posted 9 March 2025, 11:33 pm EST


    We’re glad to know that the issues you reported are fixed.

    If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We’re closing this ticket for now. Rest assured, you can open this ticket anytime by reverting, or you can create a new ticket if you have a different concern.



  • Posted 12 March 2025, 10:20 pm EST - Updated 12 March 2025, 10:55 pm EST

    We’ve gone to the next step in our .NET 4.8 > .NET 9 upgrade efforts, and run into the same issue as reported here:

    For forms that have an existing (.NET 4.8 era) C1TrueDbGrid - as soon as the designer tries to open that form, the error mentioned is shown. The support staff in that thread mentions a Case nr, but the fix isn’t publicly posted. Any suggestions?

    Edit: find a public suggestion here:

    But I would plead for a proper public migration guide instead of having to look everywhere for suggestions …

  • Posted 13 March 2025, 12:42 am EST


    We have replied to the other case.

    The reported behavior is a bug in the product samples and will be fixed by the next release. [Bug Tracking ID: C1WIN-32852]



  • Posted 13 March 2025, 1:18 am EST

    The bug also occurs when upgrading our own .NET 4.8 era code - it’s probably best if the suggested fix is part of the migration guide to the C1 .NET 6/7/8/9 components. Others will experience the same issue.

  • Posted 17 March 2025, 1:42 am EST


    We created a simple sample with C1DashboardLayout in .NET Framework 4.8 and upgraded it using the .NET Upgrade Assistant tool ( but could not observe the designer error.

    Furthermore, as per the team, the issue is only present in the C1 samples.


    Please let us know if we’re missing something here or if our understanding differs.



  • Posted 17 March 2025, 7:53 am EST


    The designer exception issue only occurs if the .NET 4.8 era form with a C1TrueDbGrid on it has a .resx file with the following property for the C1TrueDbGrid instance:

    <data name="<gridname>.PrintInfo.PageSettings" mimetype="application/">
            AAEAAAD .... 

    Removing the element from the form’s .resx file and the associated call in the InitializeComponent() like:

    this.<gridname>.PrintInfo.PageSettings = ((System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings)(resources.GetObject("<gridname>.PrintInfo.PageSettings")));

    will solve the problem - the designer then opens the form normally.

    So if the .NET 4.8 C1TrueDbGrid doesn’t have that PrintInfo.PageSettings property set in the .resx file, the exception would not occur, but otherwise it does. We have legacy projects with literally 10’s of forms with a C1TrueDbGrid component - and we can confirm the above procedure solves it.

  • Posted 18 March 2025, 5:30 am EST


    The entry in resx file was made by TrueDBGrid in older versions. Now due to change in the design and architecture, this entry is no longer used and can be removed.

    Regarding mentioning this change in migration guide, you can refer to the following comment on your other Forum thread:



  • Posted 19 March 2025, 11:44 pm EST

    Another migration related issue/question:

    In the C1 Winforms suite .NET 4.8 version, C1TextBox inherits from TextBox (and indirectly from Control), and a tooltip could be set for a C1TextBox named ‘c1TB_Name’ with:

    ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip();
    toolTip.SetToolTip(this.c1TB_Name, "Name");

    With the .NET 6+ version of the C1TextBox control this no longer works. The code above compiles and runs, but the tooltip never gets displayed on the C1TextBox control.

    How to get this working? I realise C1TextBox in the .NET 6+ verion doesn’t inherit anymore from TextBox, but it does still inherit indirectly from Control.

    Our LOB apps rely heavily on ToolTips so at the moment this is a showstopper in the migration.

  • Posted 21 March 2025, 2:23 am EST


    The new TextBox is implemented on XViewLight, which exposes some protected methods and properties to implement tooltips using internal C1SuperToolTip. This ensures a consistent look between the tooltips associated with XView elements and other controls on your form.


    • protected void SetToolTip(Control control, string text)
    • protected string GetToolTip(Control control)
    • protected void UpdateToolTip()
    • protected void HideToolTip()

    • protected bool ShowToolTips
    • protected C1SuperTooltipBase SuperTooltip
    • protected C1SuperTooltipBase InnerTooltip
    • protected C1SuperTooltipBase EffectiveTooltip

    We have created a simple sample for the same:

    Refer to C1SuperTooltip documentation for more information:



  • Posted 21 March 2025, 4:29 am EST

    Thank you, that is very helpful. I had great difficulty finding documentation for that from the C1TextBox docs. Maybe good to improve some of the docs cross-links and present a similar example as well in the docs.

    Thanks again.

  • Posted 24 March 2025, 8:09 am EST


    We have forwarded your concerns to the concerned team for further insights and will update you once we have more information. [Internal Tracking ID: C1DOC-10142]



  • Posted 24 March 2025, 8:47 am EST

    Wonderful, further question on the new .NET 6+ C1DateEdit control. In the .NET 4.8 version this control had a ‘Modified’ property, but this property is missing in version 8 … any suggestions on a replacement for that?

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