Posted 12 August 2024, 10:56 am EST - Updated 12 August 2024, 11:02 am EST
c1Flexgrid Summary button show not correctly
Posted by: levanduyet on 12 August 2024, 10:56 am EST
Posted 13 August 2024, 5:56 am EST
Thank you for providing the screenshots.
We are sorry, but we could not replicate the behavior on our end. We created a sample similar to yours and tested it with the latest 2024v1 version of the FlexGrid. Could you please let us know if we are missing something and the version of FlexGrid you are using on your end? Please test your project with the latest version of FlexGrid as well.Could you please update the attached sample or attach a stripped-down version of your sample so that we can observe and investigate the behavior further? (see
Uttkarsh. -
Posted 13 August 2024, 8:21 am EST
Hi Uttkarsh,
I use .NET 6 and Flexgrid version: 8.0.20241.657
I have no problem with .net framework 4.8.
Could you try the above version.Thanks,
Duyet Le
Posted 14 August 2024, 1:32 am EST
Thank you for providing more information but we still are unable to replicate the behavior on our end. We converted our sample to NET6/8 and checked with both 657 and 664 but could not observe the behavior.
Please let us know if we are missing something and provide us with the FlexGrid-specific code you are using in your project.
Could you please update the attached sample or attach a stripped-down sample of your project so that we can observe and investigate it further? (see
Uttkarsh. -
Posted 14 August 2024, 11:42 am EST
Hi Uttkarsh,
My code is following:private void iniFlexgridVatTuChoLsx(Int32 lSoHang) { fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Subtotal(AggregateEnum.Clear); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.DataSource = null; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Rows.Count = lSoHang; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols.Count = 16; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Rows.Fixed = 2; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.AllowSorting = AllowSortingEnum.None; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.AllowResizing = AllowResizingEnum.Columns; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.AutoClipboard = true; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.ClipboardCopyMode = ClipboardCopyModeEnum.DataOnly; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.AllowFiltering = false; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.AllowEditing = false; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.ColumnPickerInfo.ShowToolButton = false; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.SelectionMode = SelectionModeEnum.Default; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.FocusRect = FocusRectEnum.Light; // Cols width fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[0].Width = 30; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[1].Width = 150; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[2].Width = 200; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[3].Width = 400; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[4].Width = 150; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[5].Width = 200; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[6].Width = 500; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[7].Width = 100; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[8].Width = 200; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[9].Width = 200; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[10].Width = 200; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[11].Width = 200; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[12].Width = 200; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[13].Width = 200; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[14].Width = 200; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[15].Width = 200; //Data type fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[1].DataType = typeof(string);//Ma Lsx fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[2].DataType = typeof(string);//Ma hang fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[3].DataType = typeof(string);//Ten hang fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[4].DataType = typeof(double); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[5].DataType = typeof(string); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[6].DataType = typeof(string); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[7].DataType = typeof(string);//Unit name fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[8].DataType = typeof(double); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[9].DataType = typeof(double); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[10].DataType = typeof(double); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[11].DataType = typeof(double); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[12].DataType = typeof(double); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[13].DataType = typeof(double); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[14].DataType = typeof(double); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[15].DataType = typeof(double); #region Định dạng tiêu đề //Header filling fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Rows[0].AllowMerging = true; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.AllowMergingFixed = AllowMergingEnum.FixedOnly; for (int i = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols.Fixed; i < fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols.Count; i++) { fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[i].AllowMerging = true; } CellRange rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 1, 1, 1); rng.Data = "Lệnh sản xuất"; rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 2, 1, 2); rng.Data = "Mã thành phẩm"; rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 3, 1, 3); rng.Data = "Tên thành phẩm"; rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 4, 1, 4); rng.Data = "SL thành phẩm định mức"; rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 5, 1, 5); rng.Data = "Mã nguyên vật liệu"; rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 6, 1, 6); rng.Data = "Tên nguyên vật liệu"; rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 7, 1, 7); rng.Data = "Đvt"; rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 8, 1, 8); rng.Data = "Số lượng định mức"; rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 9, 0, 11); rng.Data = "Số lượng NVL trong kỳ"; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[1, 9] = "Xuất kho"; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[1, 10] = "Nhập lại kho"; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[1, 11] = "Thực tế sử dụng"; rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 12, 0, 14); rng.Data = "Số lượng NVL lũy kế"; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[1, 12] = "Xuất kho"; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[1, 13] = "Nhập lại kho"; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[1, 14] = "Thực tế sử dụng"; rng = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.GetCellRange(0, 15, 1, 15); rng.Data = "Chênh lệch NVL"; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Rows[0].TextAlign = TextAlignEnum.CenterCenter; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Rows[1].TextAlign = TextAlignEnum.CenterCenter; #endregion } private void btnTongHop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { MisaDAL mekongDB = new MisaDAL(); DataTable dtResult = new DataTable(); string listProductionOrderID = sb.ToString(); dtResult = mekongDB.GetMaterialsInOutByProdOrder(dTuNgay, dDenNgay, branchID, listProductionOrderID); if (dtResult.Rows.Count > 0) { this.iniFlexgridVatTuChoLsx(2); int iRun = 1; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.BeginUpdate(); foreach (DataRow dtRow in dtResult.Rows) { fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Rows.Add(); iRun = fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Rows.Count - 1;//Get last row fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 1] = dtRow["RefNo"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 2] = dtRow["ProductionCode"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 3] = dtRow["ProductionName"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 4] = dtRow["ProductionQuantity"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 5] = dtRow["InventoryItemCode"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 6] = dtRow["InventoryItemName"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 7] = dtRow["UnitName"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 8] = dtRow["RequiredQuantity"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 9] = dtRow["RequiredQuantity"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 10] = dtRow["RealyQuantity"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 11] = dtRow["ReturnInwardQuantityInPeriod"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 12] = dtRow["RealUseInPeriodQuantity"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 13] = dtRow["AccumulatedQuantityInYear"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 14] = dtRow["AccumRealUseQuantity"].ToString(); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx[iRun, 15] = dtRow["DiffQuantity"].ToString();//Diff qty } #region Summary fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.AllowDragging = AllowDraggingEnum.None; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.AllowEditing = false; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Tree.Column = 0; ////Group 1: ////_ Group level 1 ////_ Group at col 1 ////_ Function Count 0 fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Subtotal(AggregateEnum.Count, 1, 1, 0, "Production order: {0}"); ////Group 2: ////_ Group level 2 ////_ Group col 2 ////_ Function Count 0 fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Subtotal(AggregateEnum.Count, 2, 2, 0, "Finished goods code: {0}"); fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Cols[0].Width = 350; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Tree.Style = TreeStyleFlags.CompleteLeaf;// | TreeStyleFlags.ButtonBar; fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.Tree.Show(1); #endregion } else { MessageBox.Show("There is no data", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error:" + ex.Message, "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { fgChiTietNvlChoLenhSx.EndUpdate(); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
1, Fill the header to flexgrid
private void iniFlexgridVatTuChoLsx(Int32 lSoHang)
2, Fill data to flexgrid. This step is okay. (See the first photo)
3, Group data => problem (See the second photo). I really don’t know why. Could you see my code, is it correct.
Thanks,Duyet Le
Posted 16 August 2024, 12:57 am EST
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are still unable to observe the behavior on our end. Please refer to the attached sample, which has been updated with the code you provided but could not replicate the behavior.Please provide the following information for further investigation:
- stripped-down project or updated sample project that shows the behavior on their end. [If your project consists of sensitive information that cannot be shared here on the public forum, please create a new ticket on our private portal.]
- a video showing you running the project and observing the behavior.
- your machine’s environment details, like OS build, VS build, using RDP/VM, etc.
Updated sample: