Posted 20 August 2024, 11:58 am EST - Updated 20 August 2024, 12:03 pm EST
Hi folks!
I’m working on the solution, when end-user can “undock” part of the application in a separate browser window, or re-dock it back again to the main-application window.
(in a nutshell it works as detecting required part of a DOM elements and re-parenting to another window’s div by appendChild)
The problems, which I’m facing are coming mainly from @grapecity/wijmo.react components - particularly with the hostElement:
I’ve found that developers can assign hostElement for the wijmo components in the vanilla-js version of the components.
Is it possible to do with wijmo.react components family?
I think that might help to achieve autonomy for the components, if they would be “packed” along with produced layout.