Wijmo Grid auto resizing rows issue after loading

Posted by: chandravadana.dasari on 17 December 2023, 12:47 pm EST

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    Posted 17 December 2023, 12:47 pm EST


    I am using wijmo version 5.20202.732. I need to auto size rows and columns after grid is completely loaded with all property and event bindings. If grids size is large it is taking time to load complete grid. By using initialize & loadedRows and even ngAfterViewInit also is not helpful.

    Tried using updatedView & updatedLayout as well but these events causes grid freezing as they got executed continuously. Please help me out to know when the grid is completely loaded.

  • Posted 18 December 2023, 4:53 am EST

    Hi Chandra,

    This issue has already been answered on our other portal, here’s a copy of the response -

    As per your requirements, to auto-size the rows and columns after the grid is completely loaded, ‘loadedRows’ event would be the best option. But, as per your description, autoSizing takes a lot of time, and it is expected, as autoSizing grid rows is a time-consuming process when the grid has a large number of rows. So, we suggest you to auto-size the grid rows asynchronously, by referring to the following sample - https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo/demos/Grid/Sizing/Auto-sizeRowsAsync/angular

    You can autoSize the columns along with the rows, it should not cause any performance issues.

    In case, you still face this issue, with the above implementation, please let us know.


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