FadeIn effect duration of popup / debounce

Posted by: sct999.1 on 26 July 2024, 5:38 am EST

  • Posted 26 July 2024, 5:38 am EST

    Hello, I’d like to know what is the default duration of the fadeIn effect for the popup.

    Is that value configurable?

    Here is some context:

    The popup I have is hidden when the popup loses the blur, and it’s opened programmatically using a button.

    I want to debounce the open/close of the popup, specifically when user clicks on the open button while the popup is shown

    This is what happens

    1. Popup is open
    2. User clicks the open button again

      2.1 The mouse key is down, the popup loses the focus and thus it’s hidden

      2.2 The mouse key is released, and it triggers the opening of the popup

    Currently I’m implementing a flag named

    which is bound to the
    events, however it seems those events are not synced with the animation end.

    So, I’m planning to use setTimeOut() to clear the

    flag (I know it might not be the best practice) but, for correct behavior, the value I use for setTimeOut should be the same as the animation time.

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