Cannot customise y axis with stacked charts

Posted by: amy.pryor on 12 January 2021, 1:48 am EST

  • Posted 12 January 2021, 1:48 am EST


    I have found that column chart stacking functionality only works when [axisY] on the series is null. When specifying the left axis, it stops working. This means I cannot customise the title, labels, min and max, or anything else about the axis.

  • Posted 12 January 2021, 10:19 pm EST

    Hi Amy,

    This issue is related to one of your previous queries:

    This issue not only occurs in the right y-axis, but it also occurs for any secondary y-axis no matter its position. I have already passed this information to the dev team.



  • Posted 14 January 2021, 3:30 am EST

    Hi Ashwin,

    Thanks, yes this is linked to my previous post, but previously I was asking if it could be applied to the right axis. Here I’m saying that when the left axis is the only y axis, I cannot pass it to the chart without breaking stacking.


    [axisY] = null → stacking works

    [axisY] = leftAxis => stacking does not work

    ^Where there is no secondary y axis.

    This means that I can’t customise anything about the y axis.



  • Posted 14 January 2021, 6:49 pm EST

    Hi Amy,

    If I understand correctly, your issue is that when you set the y-axis of the series, then stacking is not performed. Stacking is only done when the [axisY] property is set to null.

    The bug report that I created (#470363) refers to this issue. That is why I said in my previous reply that I have already passed this information to the developers.

    Now, if you wish to customize the default y-axis, then try using the following code snippet:

    <wj-flex-chart ...>
    <wj-flex-chart-axis [wjProperty]="'axisY'" title="Main Axis" ....></wj-flex-chart-axis>

    Notice the wjProperty input. This property tells that FlexChart that this axis should be used as the axisY property of the FlexChart.

    I hope this helps. But, if this is not the issue you are facing. please let me know.


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