Posted 18 January 2022, 4:21 am EST
We are having a section report (page header/footer, detail, group header) and we are setting the report specific parameters (left, right .top, bottom margins, print width) dynamically from back end table data. We have used total four text fields in page header/footer and detail sections. Out of these four text boxes, the leftmost and rightmost ones are used to set the page margin (left, right, top & bottom) by setting their width and height in code like below:
this.txtleftMargin.Width = leftMargin; // variable populated from table data
this.txtRightMargin.Width = rightMargin; // variable populated from table data
// same for top and bottom margin we are using text box height
In ReportStart event we are setting all the margins to 0.
The issue is, in spite of setting the print width and the left and right margins, active reports 6 seems to ignore the settings and leaving a empty space at the right margin section (after the right margin text box)