Posted 6 June 2022, 3:26 am EST
I am storing the layout (filter s and column layout) of a flex grid for reconstitution.
When the grid is serialized to JSON using:
var filterPayload = c1.getExtender(grid, "filter").filterDefinition;
and stored in the DB, its UniqueValues property is null.
When I reconsitute the FlexGrid with the filters applied
c1.getExtender(grid, "filter").filterDefinition = filterPayload;
Only the values in ShowValues appear in the Filter dialog.
Is the best way to allow all possible values to appear something like:
var filter = c1.getExtender(grid, "filter");
var filterPayload = filter.filterDefinition;
var jsonFilterPayload = JSON.parse(filterPayload);
for (var i = 0; i < jsonFilterPayload.length(); i++)
var colFilter = filter.getColumnFilter(i.binding);
i.uniqueValues = colFilter.getUniqueValues();
to store the uniqueValues and then reverse the process on reconsitution?
Or is there a better way? I am concerned about how much data I might be storing for columns with a lot of unique rows.