The smallest table created at the corner of a worksheet

Posted by: ichioka.yuji on 17 December 2024, 5:14 am EST

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    Posted 17 December 2024, 5:14 am EST


    In case of a table created at the corner on a worksheet, its resizing handle doesn’t work. Why?

    Here is the code you can reproduce this issue with.

    import * as GC from '@mescius/spread-sheets';
    import '@mescius/spread-sheets/styles/gc.spread.sheets.excel2016black.css';
    import * as React from 'react';
    import './App.css';
    import Sheets = GC.Spread.Sheets;
    export default function App() {
      const host = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement|null>(null);
        () => {
          const workbook = new Sheets.Workbook(host.current!);
          const activeSheet = workbook.getActiveSheet();
          const table1 = activeSheet.tables.add("Table1", 0, 0, 2, 1, Sheets.Tables.TableThemes.medium2);
          table1.showResizeHandle(true);  // Table1 is NOT resizable by dragging its resize handle.
          const table2 = activeSheet.tables.add("Table2", 5, 5, 2, 1, Sheets.Tables.TableThemes.medium2);
          table2.showResizeHandle(true);  // Table2 is resizable.
          return () => workbook.destroy();
      return (
        <div ref={host} style={{ height: "90vh", width: "100%" }} />
  • Posted 18 December 2024, 1:43 pm EST


    I was able to replicate the behavior on my end and have escalated it to the concerned team. The internal tracking ID is SJS-27784. I will update you as soon as I receive any information.



  • Posted 6 January 2025, 12:16 am EST


    The reported behaviour has been fixed in the version 18.0.1 and we have tested the functionality on our end.

    You can download the latest build from this link

    Let us know if you face any issues.

    Best Regards,


  • Posted 15 January 2025, 10:15 am EST

    I confiemed the issue was fixed with 18.0.1. Thank you!

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