Formulas including '@' at

Posted by: ricardo.aleixo on 10 June 2024, 1:15 am EST

  • Posted 10 June 2024, 1:15 am EST - Updated 10 June 2024, 1:22 am EST


    Our clients are using SpreadJS to create formulas, and the case is that formulas are automatically include a ‘@’ character and return value Zero ( 0 ).

    If we remove the ‘@’ the formula works and return the value, but after opening the Spread again, the ‘@’ appears again.

    Testing the scenario in Excel on Windows, there is the ‘@’ character and when doesn’t it recommends using it ( @ ).

    Without @ in Excel the formula does not work.

    So what we expect is the @ in the Spread to appear, as it is part of the behavior and the value to appear, something that does not happen today.

    Attached, I am sending the Excel where the formulas work with @.

    However, it is necessary to open it in Excel on Windows.

    Here is the Excel that ‘@’ works

    Here is SPREADJS with ‘@’ and value Zero ( 0 ) .

  • Posted 10 June 2024, 11:18 pm EST


    I was able to observe the behavior on my end. I have escalated this to the relevant team. The internal track ID is “SJS-24760”. I will update you as soon as I receive any information.



  • Posted 24 June 2024, 2:29 pm EST

    Add this suffix “_xlfn.” to the formula, the formula would work perfectly.

    For example, if the formula was “=IFS(A2 >200,‘hello’,‘bye’)” => change it to “=_xlfn.IFS(A2 >200,‘hello’,‘bye’)”

  • Posted 24 June 2024, 10:56 pm EST


    The developers informed that the Excel file was not generated by MS Excel. SpreadJS doesn’t have the same fault tolerance as Excel. However, if you open the file in MS Excel and save it again without making any changes, then import it to SpreadJS, everything will work correctly. SpreadJS does not provide compatibility with Excel files generated by third-party software.



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