Divide by zero error

Posted by: adisa.craig on 25 November 2024, 11:18 am EST

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    Posted 25 November 2024, 11:18 am EST

    There are two formulas that I have seen this with the FLOOR function, when it is added as such FLOOR(215.6, 0) the value returned is 0 in SpreadJS, however in both Google Sheets and Excel it throws a #DIV/0! error. Is there a setting in spread that needs to be set for the function to be evaluated similarly to Excel?

  • Posted 26 November 2024, 4:58 am EST


    I have been able to replicate the issue on our end. The case has been escalated to the concerned team with the internal track ID: SJS-27507. I will provide updates as soon as more information becomes available.

    As a workaround, you can redefine the FLOOR function to handle cases where 0 is used as the second argument, displaying the required error. You can refer to the attached sample for implementation: https://jscodemine.mescius.io/share/X1psjzmF7kaDpfseREnxFA/?defaultOpen={"OpenedFileName"%3A["%2Fsrc%2Fapp.js"]%2C"ActiveFile"%3A"%2Fsrc%2Fapp.js"}



  • Posted 24 December 2024, 12:35 am EST


    The issue with the “Floor” function, when the significance number is zero, has been fixed in the latest version of SpreadJS (VERSION 18).

    We have also verified it on our end.

    You can download the latest version from this link http://cdn.mescius.com/spreadjs/18.0.0/Files/SpreadJS.Release.18.0.0.zip

    Best Regards


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