All custom names will be invisible if Delete A sheet that refer to other custom

Posted by: on 8 January 2024, 3:25 pm EST

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    Posted 8 January 2024, 3:25 pm EST

    I encountered an error. If I delete a sheet that refer to a custom name which has refer like “=Sheet1!$F$13:$J$18” (more than one cell), then Other custom names will be invisible. Please check it and feedback me. Hope it will be fix in the next version. Thanks!

  • Posted 8 January 2024, 6:21 pm EST


    I was able to replicate the issue at my end with the latest version of SpreadJS v17.0.1. It seems like an issue with the SpreadJS.

    I have escalated this issue to the dev team for further investigation. The internal tracking id for the same is: SJS-22250. Further, I will let you know when there is more info on this from the dev team or when the issue will be resolved. Currently, there is no workaround to resolve the issue.



  • Posted 9 January 2024, 1:43 pm EST

    Thank you for your response!

  • Posted 9 January 2024, 9:35 pm EST


    The devs have confirmed the issue as a bug and are looking into it. Further, I will let you know once there is further info on this from the dev team or when the issue is resolved.



  • Posted 12 February 2024, 9:00 am EST


    The mentioned issue been fixed in the latest version of SpreadJS V17.0.3. Kindly upgrade to the latest version of SpreadJS.

    You may also download the latest version V17.0.3 using the following link:

    Let me know if you still face the same issue.



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