Cell format for newly added row/column

Posted by: Jose.Aguirre on 22 March 2021, 11:45 am EST

  • Posted 22 March 2021, 11:45 am EST


    there is way how to set certain format for cells when row is added:

    spreadSheet.ActiveSheet.AddRows(spreadSheet.ActiveSheet.ActiveRowIndex + 1, 1);

    As in Excel, when a new row/colulmn is added, the cell format is automatically there.


  • Posted 23 March 2021, 5:41 am EST

    Hi Jose,

    We are sorry but Spread doesn’t support this behavior by default. However, you can manually implement this functionality by copying the format from a specific Row/Column to the newly added Rows/Columns as follows:

    private void AddRow(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
          int addIndex = spread.ActiveSheet.ActiveRowIndex; // position where a new row will be added
          int rowCount = 1; // Number of rows to add
          spread.ActiveSheet.AddRows(addIndex, rowCount);
          CopyRowsFormat(addIndex + 1, Enumerable.Range(addIndex, rowCount).ToList());
    public void CopyRowsFormat(int rowFormatToCopy, List<int> copyToRows)
            foreach(var copyToRow in copyToRows)
                  for (int col = 0; col < spread.ActiveSheet.Columns.Count - 1; col++)
                        var formatter = spread.ActiveSheet.Cells[rowFormatToCopy, col].Formatter;
                        if (formatter == null)
                            formatter = spread.ActiveSheet.Rows[rowFormatToCopy].Formatter;
                        if (formatter == null)
                        spread.ActiveSheet.Cells[copyToRow, col].Formatter = formatter;

    Please refer to the same from attached sample. (see SpreadCellFormat.zip)

    JFYI, this seems like a valid requirement so I have raised an enhancement request for the same. (Internal Tracking Id - SPNET-16131)

    Best Regards,



  • Posted 23 March 2021, 11:50 pm EST

    Hi Jose,

    I forgot to mention that the above workaround only copies the format of a cell. In case you want to copy other properties like background/font etc then you also copy them accordingly.

    Best Regards,


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