The feature I expect in future versions of SpreadNET

Posted by: 8166582 on 21 May 2024, 10:52 pm EST

  • Posted 21 May 2024, 10:52 pm EST

    In the current version of SpreadNET, it is not yet possible to read the CustomProperties of the sheet in Excel files. I hope to increase access to this property in future versions.

  • Posted 23 May 2024, 8:51 am EST


    You can read the custom properties of the Excel file by iterating over the values of IWorkSheet’s CustomDocumentProperties property. Here is the code snippet for the same:

    var props = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().CustomDocumentProperties;
    for(int i = 0; i < props.Count; i++)
        Debug.WriteLine(props[i].Name + " : " + props[i].ToString());

    We have also attached a sample application for your reference. See

    Please let us know if your requirement differs from our understanding.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Posted 23 May 2024, 11:55 am EST - Updated 23 May 2024, 12:26 pm EST


    I am aware that the new version of SpreadNET has added the ’CustomizaDocumentProperties‘ property that can access asworkbooks. What I want to access is the ’CustomProperties‘(just like in VBA ) property of the worksheet, not the ’CustomizaDocumentProperties‘ of the workbook. However, this interface of

    ’CustomProperties‘ was not found in SpreadNET V17.

  • Posted 27 May 2024, 3:53 am EST


    Thanks for providing the image reference.

    We are currently discussing this requirement with our developers. [Internal Tracking ID: SPNET-38746] We will update you on this as soon as we hear back from them.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Posted 28 May 2024, 2:30 am EST


    Thank you for paying attention to my suggestions.I look forward to this feature being provided in the next version.

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