Open “*.xls” file by v17

Posted by: 8166582 on 19 May 2024, 2:15 pm EST

  • Posted 19 May 2024, 2:15 pm EST


    When opening a file in “. xls" format, the added custom ribbon tab disappears, while opening a file in ". xlsx” format is normal.Why?

  • Posted 19 May 2024, 6:27 pm EST - Updated 19 May 2024, 6:32 pm EST


    Unfortunately, we could not replicate the issue on our end. The following image shows that the custom ribbon tab is still there, even after we have loaded the .xls file in the fpSpread control.

    We have also attached the sample application for your reference. See

    We kindly request you update the attached sample or provide a stripped-down version of your sample application so that we could replicate the issue on our end. Additionally, please provide the following details:

    1. Exact version of the FpSpread control that you are working with.
    2. OS version
    3. VS version
    4. Application target framework
    5. Display setting of your system
    6. Are you working on a VM?
    7. Are you working via RDP?

    Please provide the above-requested information with a sample application for further investigation of the issue.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Posted 19 May 2024, 6:51 pm EST - Updated 20 May 2024, 12:00 am EST


    I test in vs2022 with spread v17.1. Work with list code.The “RibbonBar1.Tabs(8)” disappears when opening a file in “. xls" format.

     Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim Buttn1 As New GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.WinForms.Ribbon.RibbonButton
        Dim Buttn2 As New GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.WinForms.Ribbon.RibbonButton
        RibbonBar1.Tabs(0).Groups.Add(New RibbonGroup())
        RibbonBar1.Tabs(0).Groups(8).Text = "TestGroup"
        Buttn1.CommandName = "CostSet"
        Buttn1.Text = "TestButton"
        RibbonBar1.Tabs.Add(New GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.WinForms.Ribbon.RibbonTab())
        RibbonBar1.Tabs(8).Text = "TestTab"
        RibbonBar1.Tabs(8).Groups.Add(New RibbonGroup())
        RibbonBar1.Tabs(8).Groups(0).Text = "TestGroup"
        Buttn2.CommandName = "CostSet"
        Buttn2.Text = "TestButton"
    End Sub


  • Posted 20 May 2024, 8:08 pm EST


    Thanks for providing the sample application.

    We could replicate the issue on our end. We have escalated the issue to our developers. [Internal Tracking ID: SPNET-38562]

    The developers have confirmed it to be a bug. We will update you once we get an ETA from their side.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Posted 21 May 2024, 12:09 am EST


    Thank you for your reply.

    Also, SpreadNET V17 cannot read the Custom DocumentProperties of Workbooks in the ‘. xls’ format, and after saving the ‘. xls’ file in SpreadNET, the original custom CustomDocumentProperties disappear. Opening a file in '. xlsx’ format with SpreadNET will not cause this issue.

  • Posted 21 May 2024, 11:38 pm EST


    Thank you for reporting this issue.

    To avoid any confusion, we have created a new support ticket on our private portal, as this is a different issue.

    Please follow the link below for further tracking of this issue:

    Thanks & Regards,


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