Posted 6 February 2024, 8:18 am EST
- Updated 6 February 2024, 8:23 am EST
Hi Tyree,
The behavior that you have specified, can be replicated for text type cells in a column. If you add numeric values in a column cell and apply sorting to it, then the cells will be sorted based on the numeric values itself. Please see the following GIF to see the behavior:

You can also check the following GIF to check the cell types set for the column cells:

Kindly refer to the attached sample for full implementation. See
In case you have any further issues regarding this, we request you provide a small sample or update the attached sample so that we can understand your use-case scenario in a better way. Additionally, please provide the following environment details:
- OS version
- VS version
- Spread.NET exact build used
- Application target framework
Thanks & Regards,