ExcelSaveFlags.SaveAsViewed spread 15 too much handle

Posted by: danilo.mario on 25 September 2024, 2:38 am EST

  • Posted 25 September 2024, 2:38 am EST

    I have a list with 53 sheets

    when i saved in excel spread create 10000 handle in windows and the program crash

    If i use ExcelSaveFlags.Dataonly all run correctly

    Visual basic Visual Studio 2022

    Spread version 15.0.20211.0

  • Posted 26 September 2024, 8:02 am EST


    We are unable to replicate this issue at our end. Could you please provide a stripped sample? So, we can investigate this issue and assist you better.



  • Posted 26 September 2024, 8:18 am EST

    the attachment list when running have 52 sheets like sheet(1)



                        Lista.SaveExcel(Nomefile, FarPoint.Excel.ExcelSaveFlags.SaveCustomColumnHeaders Or FarPoint.Excel.ExcelSaveFlags.UseOOXMLFormat Or FarPoint.Excel.ExcelSaveFlags.DataOnly)
                    Catch ex As Exception
                    End Try


  • Posted 27 September 2024, 5:23 am EST - Updated 27 September 2024, 5:35 am EST


    We apologize for the inconvenience. We are still unable to replicate the issue at our end. Please refer to the attached working sample containing your code to save as Excel file with 53 Sheets: SpreadVB.zip

    Is there anything you are doing with Spread, that causing this issue? You can update the attached sample to replicate this behavior and send it back to us. So, that we can replicate this issue and assist you accordingly.



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