Posted 23 February 2023, 6:00 am EST
I am using Spread COM version 8 DLL for building a 64 Bit application. The Spread cannot hold more than 1500 rows in 64 Bit, but works ok in 32 Bit i.e. it can hold beyond 1500 in 32 bit.
if I use only 1 column , i am able to insert upto 10000 rows, however if I use 8-10 columns I am able to insert only 1500 rows.
I have tried SetData, ClipIn
**Basic code **
m_spread.InsRowRange(1, 15000);
for (int i = 0; i < 15000; i++)
CString str;
str.Format("Row = %ld", i);
m_spread.SetData(1, i + 1, str);
m_spread.SetData(2, i + 1, str);
mlistCtrl.InsertItem(i, "temp");
mlistCtrl.SetItemText(i, 1, str);
m_lastRow = i + 1;