Posted 27 January 2020, 2:53 pm EST
I’m using Excel 365 version 1912. On this version and on previous ones I have noticed a bad behavior when exporting a FP Spread8 grid, specifically using the method .SaveExcel2007File(). For example I set calibri 9 (Could be Arial too) to my spread, but when exporting excel shows calibri 14, and not only that, Excel shows the data locked and I cannot change font size or anything, rows and cols in excel are locked too and I cannot set even its col with.
This situation does not happen with the method .ExportToExcel(), which behaves fine, but this one does not export formatting.
Is there some property Im missing?
This is my VB6 code:
Function SpreadExportaAExcel(ByRef VieneSpread As fpSpread, ByRef FileName As String) As Boolean
SpreadExportaAExcel = False
If MsgBox(“Do you want to export to Excel?”, vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel) = vbYes Then
On Error Resume Next FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.CancelError = True FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.InitDir = ElEstudio.Dir_Personal FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.FilterIndex = 1 FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.Filter = Msg_Res(1146) & " (*.xls)|*.xls|" & Msg_Res(1147) & " (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx" FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.Flags = &H4& FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.Flags = &H2& FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.FileName = FileName FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.DialogTitle = "Export to Excel" FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.ShowSave Dim GuardoExcel As Boolean Dim ExtensionDeExcel As String GuardoExcel = False ExtensionDeExcel = UCase$(right$(FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.FileName, 3)) Select Case ExtensionDeExcel Case "XLS" GuardoExcel = VieneSpread.ExportToExcel(FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.FileName, ElTiempo(tiempo_Sel).Dsc, ElEstudio.Dir_Tmp & "LOGFILE.TXT") Case "LSX" GuardoExcel = VieneSpread.SaveExcel2007File(FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.FileName, vbNullString, None, ElEstudio.Dir_Tmp & "LOGFILE.TXT") Case Else ' 10 04 2015 ya Exit Function End Select If GuardoExcel = True Then Call Utilitario_EjecutaShellDeArchivo(FrmAyuda.CmDialog1.FileName) SpreadExportaAExcel = True Else Call MsgBox("Error", vbExclamation) End If
End If
End Function