SaveExcel2007File Isssue

Posted by: FromGrapeCity on 14 August 2019, 8:26 pm EST

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    Posted 14 August 2019, 8:26 pm EST

    We are running into issues using the SaveExcel2007File() function in the last few months and was wondering if anybody else has had issues with this.

    Below is the code snippet that has been working in production for the last 15 years and has recently not worked on some machines. We have done a lot of tests and checking and still have not figured out what is causing it to fail. We give the export function a log file, but it doesn’t create the log file. Is there anybody out there that has had issue with this export. It basically doesn’t create an excel file or a log file, it just returns from the call with a false.

    if vaSpreadExcelExport.SaveExcel2007File(sFileNameSpread, “”, NoFormulas, sLogFile) <> True Then

    setReportMode True

    Screen.MousePointer = 0



    MsgBox “Excel Workbook (xlsx) was NOT created.” & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & “See Log File (” & sLogFile & “)”, vbInformation, “Excel Export”

    Exit Function

    End If

  • Posted 19 August 2019, 6:54 am EST


    This has been answered in SupportOne case, 394211 (you posted).

    Please continue the thread over there.


  • Posted 29 September 2020, 1:32 pm EST

    Could I please know the answer to this question? I am having a similar problem. Thanks.

  • Posted 1 October 2020, 3:14 am EST


    If exporting to Excel is not working on some machines, it seems the deployment requirements are not fulfilled for SaveExcel2007File method. Please make sure that you are following the redistribution instructions given here:



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